Vingt-un (21) ~ The 5 Stages

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A/N: Buckle up because this one is going to be a long one

" Loving can hurt, loving can hurt sometimes
But it's the only thing that I know
When I gets hard, you know it can get hard sometimes
It is the only thing that makes us feel alive "
~ Photograph, Ed Sheeran

The Kübler-Ross model indicates the five stages of emotions experienced by people who are going through overwhelming situations, mostly postulated for grief... or divorce.
Stage one: Denial

"W-what do you mean by that?" Ransom shot up, sitting up straight in bed, opening the envelope. Test results, a page full of negatives but when it reached a positive it was for pregnancy. He saw small screening images to back up the tests. What the fuck.

"It means I'm pregnant" Antoinette answered simply, her expression remaining neutral while she kept on analyzing her husband's.

Ransom maintained quiet for a while before shaking his head. "No way" He simply stated, getting up. "There is simply no way. You're very late to April's fools, missy" He sounded firm.

"I'm literally not joking, Hugh" Antoinette said, starting to get upset. "I'm literally handing out to you the tests and the ultrasound and you don't believe me?"

The fact that his wife was pregnant was something else, as if it was out of this world for Ransom. They never discussed that kind of topic and he didn't see himself discussing it either. He thought everything was cool between them; she didn't have the need to pull shit like this out nowhere. "It's impossible" He shrugged, walking out the room and down the stairs.

"Oh because I'm not allowed to have babies? With my husband?!" Antoinette asked, growing anxious and unsettled by the minute, following after him to reach the living room, their feelings following along. What was happening in that head of his for him to be so selfish?

Stage 2: Anger

"We didn't plan for this, Antoinette!" Ransom turned to her, tired of the pressuring and questions she was putting into him. The denial he was feeling turned into something stronger, making his body tense and his expression go from neutral to mad.

"Oh because it's my fault now?!" Antoinette snapped back, clearly exasperated, her accent becoming thicker by the second. The woman was more prepared for her husband to pass out rather than react the way he was reacting.

"You're the one carrying the fucking baby!" Ransom said without thinking, letting his irrational anger override him.

Antoinette's mouth dropped open, her eyes watered but not from sadness, but from the fact she was absolutely livid. She turned around, crossing her arms and biting her lip to avoid crying. "Get out."

"What?" Ransom responded, his offended but surprise tone resonating throughout the house.

"I said get out!" Antoinette turned around, tears streaming down her face.

Ransom had the biggest pride in the fucking United States, so he just huffed our a "Fine" and grabbed a sweater that rested on the couch, his shoes, keys and wallet before leaving out the door.

— — —

"Ransom?" A confused Marta opened the front door "It's 3 in the morning. What are you doing here?"

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