Quatre (4) ~ The Club

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" Let's go, dip it low, then you bring it up slow
Wind it up one more time, wind it back once
~ Pon de Replay, Rihanna

"I'm not going not going to lie, I never imagined you were so good at makeup" Meg commented when Antoinette was done with her.

"Thank you Meg. Move aside, I have to get ready!" Antoinette said, shoving her softly off the bed and sitting down herself. Meg just laughed softly and took out a neatly rolled blunt out of her pocket, placing it between her lips and lighting it up. "Let me guess, Fran's secret stash?"

"You're right missy" Meg chuckled softly "I'm gonna get changed. By the way, that dress you got? It's gorgeous" She complemented, turning off the joint.

Antoinette nodded and smiled thankfully. Being true to her french standards, she was a sucker for a soft glam look. All she did was apply a tinted moisturizer, blush, do the perfect cat eye, some shimmer on her eyelids, clear mascara and to top it all off, a cherry gloss.

Antoinette heard Meg turning on the blow dryer inside the bathroom, so she decided to get changed outside, as she showered just after finishing the cooking and was feeling fresh still. After organizing the room, she took off the robe she was wearing and grabbed the strappy mini dress, slipping into it. She zipped herself up and took a look in the mirror, a smile blooming across her face when she noticed something; she looked like she was worth a million bucks. The black silky fabric hugged her body perfectly, the black blossom embroidery making a quiet statement. After spraying perfume, she grabbed a pair of nude pointed heels and strapped them on.

Antoinette sat down and started curling her hair. Just as she finished and got up to look at herself. "This is unfair! You look so good!" She gasped.

Antoinette turned around "I can say the same! You look stunning" She smiled, being sincere and not only wanting to return the compliment.

"Let me put on my shoes and we can get going, okay?" Meg told her as her friend nodded in response, grabbing an oversized vegan black leather jacket, and wrapping a scarf around her neck as it was still cold. Meg headed out the door with Antoinette trailing behind her after she stuff her phone on a small clutch Meg let her borrow for the night.

They walked out the door and were met by Ransom who just arrived "Where are you going?" He went straight to the point, eyeing Antoinette a little too much. He had to admit, she looked gorgeous. Ransom had never seen her dressed in such attire, the length of the dress made his mouth water.

"None of your business" Meg hissed, walking towards her car.

Antoinette gave Ransom a 'sorry for her' look "A club opening downtown. See ya" She gave him a slight smile before walking off and getting into Meg's car on the passenger's seat. She turned up the volume as the car zoomed away, Ransom watched it disappear into the distance. Just in time, a text arrived from an old fling.
["I put you on the list for a club opening downtown"
"Hope to see you there 😉"]

— — —

"Bass!" Meg waved at someone who recognized her. They got there and instantly went to the table Meg had with her friends after they left their jackets and scarfs. The club was nice, sophisticated, still conserving the right environment to let go of everything and have a careless night. The booths looked intimate, even if you were with friends, the bar looked neat and the dance floor was beyond inviting. A man walked towards and soon stood in front of them, maybe two or three years older than Meg and perhaps even a year older than Antoinette. He was very handsome; high cheekbones, dark brown hair, plushy lips and intimidating eyes. His style was on point, and there's nothing like a man in a good suit "This is the friend I told you about!"

"Chuck Bass" He introduced himself, speaking close to her ear so she could hear him over the loud music, his voice sultry and deep. He took Antoinette's hand and kissed it, making her blush.

"Antoinette Gauthier. It's very nice to meet you" She spoke, smiling.

He instantly noted the accent she carried "Je peux t'offrir un verre, mademoiselle?" 'May I buy you a drink, miss?' He spoke in a sharp, dreamy french accent that left Antoinette's mouth agape.

"Ce serait avec plaisir" 'It would be my pleasure' The language rolled out of Antoinette's tongue easily. He gave a chuckle and extended his arm out for her to walk alongside him. She placed her hand on her bicep and smiled up at him before looking back at Meg, searching for approval. She gave her an excited smile and thumbs up as they got lost into the crowd. Meg sighed proudly. She had been alongside Antoinette after Ransom pulled one of his own and broke her heart. It was good to watch her with someone else.

Ransom walked into the club, his "acquaintance" greeting him instantly, peppering kisses all over his jaw, her hand resting on the revealed skin from the few open buttons of the blue shirt he was wearing. He didn't want to pay more attention to her, his eyes scanning the place for a certain french girl he found sitting at the bar, laughing with a guy sitting next to her. Something bubbled in his stomach, running through his veins and bugging his throat. Why was he feeling like this? The more he stared, watching how he rested his hand on her thigh and the look on her eyes, it made him more sick. Wait... was he jealous?

"Impossible" Ransom muttered to himself, telling the woman by his side he'll be right back and heading straight towards the pair. "Hey man" He talked to Chuck, Antoinette's eyes widening "Can I borrow her for a second? it'll be quick" The pair sitting in front of each other, exchanged a look and nodded. "I'll be back" She whispered to him before walking off to the dance floor with Ransom.

"What are you doing here?!" Was the first thing she asked "Are you stalking me now?" She muttered between gritted teeth as they danced along the mass of sweaty people in expensive attire. Their bodies danced on perfect sync, Ransom's hand rested on the small of Antoinette's back but she continuously was avoiding eye contact.  

"Who is he?" Ransom replied with another question. He sounded a little mad, making Antoinette frown. 'Why is he behaving like this?!' she thought

"None of your business, Hugh." Her eyes connected with his for the first time in the night "Look, I get that we patched things up but I have the freedom to go out, talk and get drinks with whoever I want. You don't own me" Antoinette replied, she had enough at that point. They haven't had previous encounters of the sort, it just pissed Antoinette off that when she finally found someone that could help her move on, Ransom shows up, even though she might not even be sure if she wants to move on from.

"You sure?" Ransom groaned in her ear, the grip he had on her waist drawing them closer. Shivers were sent down Antoinette's spine while her breath hitched, feeling his lips ghosting over her neck. "Because that's not what you said a few months ago" He placed his hand on her chin, making her look up. Ransom's eyes looked darker from lust, even under the lightning they were currently in.

"Yes. I'm sure. Try and respect me and my personal life a little more next time, okay?!" Antoinette removed herself off his grip, sounding a slightly pissed off and walked back to Chuck's side.

Suddenly, the urge of something, anything from her rushed through his veins while the anger of making her feel that way intoxicated him. All Ransom could do was groan "Fuck"

— — —
A/N: Well looks like we just got a cameo from someone!! I'm a big Gossip Girl fan and Chuck Bass is the businessman in entrainment so I had to. If you haven't watched it, I 200% recommend it. And of course, Ed Westwick as Chuck in all his younger glory.

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