Douze (12) - Watching

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A/N: TRIGGER WARNING!! This chapter is slightly dark, with tones based on horror movies or simply the feeling you get when you watch them. You can kinda count the final part of the chapter as an attempt of assault but nothing really happens. You've been warned. If  any of y'all are crazy like me, listen to "The Prowler" from the Into the Spider-verse soundtrack or the IT (2017) main track. Enjoy xx

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"Hello?" Antoinette took the phone. A shaky breath came through the line

"Anne. Oh, that was so crazy. I'm glad I could finally get a hold of you" Meg said through the phone, sounding rather nervous.

"Yeah. I know. Sorry I couldn't look at my phone. I was on call" Antoinette said, choosing her words rather carefully and analyzing her counterpart's. She wasn't convinced by her tone and tried to not be so disturbed about it.

"Are you okay?" Meg spoke once again. She received a hum from Antoinette as confirmation but still she added "Are you?"

"I'm fine, I mean everyone's nuts, they're all going, I don't know, they've lost it. No one knows I'm calling you, I wanted to— I don't know what I wanted, I wanted to say how sorry everyone was..." Meg started talking, taking a pause to not get any response in return, which motivated her to keep talking "And... I guess I wanted to ask... what are you going to do?"

"With what?" Antoinette asked, sounding curious and innocent.

"With... with your part of the will... What are going to do?" Meg asked with a shaky voice

"I don't know. I'll figure it out after I'm sure you and your family won't take it away from me" Antoinette said in a monotone manner and hung up.

Meg turned to her family with tears in her eyes "She's a little more intense than Marta..." she mumbled, knowing she might most definitely have lost a friend.

"She said the same exact thing to me" Antoinette looked up from the empty screen and observing both Ransom and Marta. They had rendezvous at the place after Antoinette finished her shift. Across the table, a bunch of beer cans were scattered and an almost empty cup of white wine stood on a corner as well.

"Okay then. Did the detective find anything suspicious in the house?" Ransom first asked Marta, who just shook her head and muttered "Mud. Tracks upstairs"

Ransom winced "Identifiable footprints?". As an answer she shook her head and muttered a "No"

"I heard him talking. He said he saw something that was key to the investigation, but didn't say anything else" Antoinette's eyes opened in realization. Holy shit.

"You okay babe?" Ransom turned to her, noticing her expression

"I just realized something. It's okay though. We should get going, it's late" Antoinette spoke, a shiver went down her spine, making her feel watched.

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"How you holding up?" Antoinette asked Marta, while filling in some paperwork.

"All this is crazy! I am getting contacted by so many lawyers— and— the press is at my home, it's disturbing. Wait... how are you not in the press?!" Marta spoke quickly, sounding a little disturbed

"I signed a non-disclosure agreement when Harlan hired me. Or something like that, I don't know law terms, my brother does, but I don't" Antoinette explained, shrugging. "I only got a letter from the family lawyer to secure everything. If you need guidance on anything don't doubt to call, I need to call Blanc later. I found out something of interest..."

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