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" Sweet creature, sweet creature
when I run out of road, you bring me home"
~ Sweet Creature, Harry Styles

Everyone in the Thrombey family was beyond surprised to see how actually ended up being taken to jail. Linda didn't bat an eye on Richard's pleads after she had found the letter back in the office. 

Marta stood tall, watching down at the family from the foyer, while Ransom stood by the door frame, watching the police take away his dad. Marta was the bigger person who spoke first, inviting them in for coffee.

—  —  —

"I'm going to get some gas and snacks. You want anything? Hospital food isn't that great" Ransom asked, after 10 minutes of uncomfortable silence while he drove and Meg sat by his side. He announced to the family he was heading out to visit his girlfriend and of course, Meg followed after. Marta said she was joining them after.

"Some gum and hot Cheetos would be okay" Meg said, absentmindedly. She kept looking around the expensive car. Ransom noticed this and frowned.

"Fine... I'll be back in a moment. Don't touch anything" He pointed at her in an accusatory manner. Meg raised her hands up in innocence, watching him walk away into the shop.

Meg was smart enough to not listen to him. She never did. She kept snooping around, not finding anything interesting until the glove compartment opened up after accidentally tapping it. After scanning over once, her eyes opened wide at the sight of a small box. She looked over again, just to confirm, then peaked at Ransom, checking he was far away and distracted to draw her eye quickly back into the new finding.

Carefully, she grabbed the small box, examining the outside. The dark blue color almost shifted into black under the lighting. Opening it, Meg gasped. The silver inscription over the royal blue velvet read 'Harry Winston'. In the middle, a beautiful ring rested. A round, brilliant diamond, enhanced by four round brilliant diamonds on each side, all this set in platinum. Probably the shiniest, most delicate ring Meg has even seen. Guessing by the overall carats of the diamonds, the fine silver and the brand Meg thought it might be worth around four hundred thousand dollars, to say the least.

Her instincts warned her about Ransom approaching, so she pushed the box in and closed the compartment, eyes still wide. Antoinette, the calmest and lovely person, marrying her cousin Ransom, the most idiotic person she's ever met? damn. That seemed a little far off. But she didn't want to judge. If Meg was honest, she could admit she hasn't been the most attentive to their relationship.

"I'll look into it" She hummed, chewing a little on her bottom lip.

"You'll look into what?" Ransom asked, surprising her. Meg yelped in her seat, complaining about the scare she just gave him, getting more pissed off by the fact he laughed. But just a little bit.

"What I'm going to make my thesis about, you idiot!" Meg complained, sinking into her seat with a pout. "I shouldn't have agreed to come with you in the first place"

— — —

Antoinette was still in scrubs, laying down in one of the hospital beds, plugged in to an IV and another machine that administrated a chelation agent to remove the excessive amount of lead on her body. The hospital usually plugged staff in on less special spaces but her case required a lot of machinery, they couldn't just set her anywhere.

The woman felt numb. They gave her a slight amount of morphine to numb the pain while the treatment took its time to work. She heard about Fran dying in that same hospital she was in. She wanted to get up and do something. The thing was, her mind was there but her body was somewhere else. It's like they had totally different plans.

Around 6-7 pm, she heard a couple voices outside. All she could identify from the blurriness her mind now found itself into was "How is she?" and "We diluted some DMSA acid that we are administrating intravenously, which will reduce the level of lead in her blood"

"You have visitors. Visiting time is over but I made an exception" The voice of her supervisor rang through "You have less than half an hour. She's a little disoriented, so be patient, okay?" He warned the two of them.

"Thanks Mike" Antoinette mumbled from her bed, getting in response a nod and a smile.

It was a matter of seconds before some strong arms scooped her into an embrace. Ransom held her close in the small bed. "I'm really sorry..." He kept whispering, his eyes watering as he did so.

"I-it's wasn't your fault" Antoinette slurred back in response, sighing in content at the warmth that now surrounded her.

"Her throat is very dry, you should look for some water, Ransom" Meg said. Ransom frowned and almost protested when she gave him a look. His eyes opened in realization so he let go of his lover, standing up and leaving the room.

"Why are you here?" Antoinette frowned at Meg from her position.

Meg took a deep breath and grabbed the chair that was sitting on a corner "I'm here because I got worried and I had to apologize"

"Go on" Antoinette mumbled, watching over to her, her eyes a little droopy still.

"First of all, I am so sorry for what I did. I was pressured into doing it and I regretted it from the moment you hung up on me. It was really rude and I know I shouldn't have been an accomplice in my family's antics. You're still my friend and I was so concerned when I found out the situation you're in right now" Meg admitted, reaching out to her friend's hand.

It took Antoinette a moment, place her hand into hers, receiving a soft, comforting squeeze. "You're okay. I forgive you. And I get it, everyone was stressed, you couldn't have known better" Antoinette slowly said, taking her time to say things properly, sighing softly after doing so.

"I was also wondering..." Meg chewed on her bottom lip anxiously "Do you love my cousin?"

"Hugh? I love him more than life itself." It didn't get her all worked up to say that sort of thing,

Meg stopped dead in her tracks about the statement and she couldn't stop herself from saying "How even?"

"Well... It's a little complicated" Antoinette admitted "And I can barely think"

"Then how about we go out for some coffee after you get better, huh?" Meg proposed, making her friend smile and nod.

Antoinette spent the night in Ransom's embrace, talking to Meg and Marta, who got there after.

"I'm still very sorry" Ransom whispered to her, burying his face into her silky hair. The other two visitors had already left.

"It wasn't your fault, bub" Antoinette reminded him, staring into the darkness of the room.

"I feel like it is. I should have paid more attention to you, you were really sick and I didn't even notice because I was so busy just playing detective even when I already hired one, and now you're here and what would have happened the other night with my dad if your supervisor didn't step in—"

"Hugh, stop" Antoinette placed a finger over his mouth, shushing him "Everything happens for a reason. What's important is that we're fine now. And we still have each other, okay?"

"Okay" He nodded "I love you"

"I love you too" She smiled full of joy, closing her eyes to rest.

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