Treize (13) - Knives out

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A/N: Italics signal flashbacks. And this is a long one, so buckle up!!
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Blanc and Marta were on the suspect's toes after Fran's attack. Antoinette read the news on Fran and Marta allegedly going to confess for the murder to the family while taking her fourth Tylenol on that day.

"You've been taking a lot of those lately..." Another intern commented. Her headaches started after the incident with Richard. She didn't want to concern Ransom, so didn't comment anything and just tried to eat as healthy as she could and drink the narcotics, trying to relieve the insisting pain.

"I think I have the flu. I've had terrible headaches to add up to the fact I can't sleep at night" Antoinette spoke, trying to avoid slurring but failing in the process. She was more pale than usual and the usually light gray or non existent eye bags had changed into a sickly purple color. Her hands trembled while her joints felt harder to move. Everything she ate she later threw it up, making her loose weight. As if it was even possible.

"The flu doesn't make you yellow, Gauthier. You almost passed out from abdominal pain earlier in the middle of an operation" The man commented, opening the bottle of pills, a strong, weird smell coming from the content, making his nose crunch. "We need to run you some tests. Right away" He signaled a nurse and whispered in her ear "Do some blood tests and an X-Ray. I'll run these to the toxicology lab"

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"I got a call from the hospital" Blanc whispered to Marta, while the policemen took everyone out of the house to wait, just like Blanc ordered "Miss Gauthier has lead poisoning. From a bottle of Tylenol"

Fear walked through Marta's senses as she gasped "No, no, no..." She started, to be interrupted by Blanc, who wanted to avoid panic "She's going to be okay. Don't tell Ransom. We have to figure this out first"

Marta nodded, squeezing her lips together to avoid crying. "C'mon. The sooner we finish with this, the sooner y'all can go see her, okay?"

"Why are they both here?" Marta asked, pointing to Richard and Ransom "Ransom gave you my statement, which I told you I did! I did it—"

He interrupted her speech, putting an end to the desperation in her voice "As I was talking to you on the car about the hole in the center of this donut. And yes, what you and Harlan did that fateful night seems at first glance to fill that hole perfectly" Blanc started speaking, directing himself towards Marta rather than the rest of the room "A donut hole in the donut's hole. But we must look a little bit closer. And when we do, we see that the donut hole has a hole in its center— it is not a donut hole at all but a smaller donut with its own hole, and our donut is not whole at all!" He explain. Everyone was rather... confused? surprised? It was a tongue twister what he just said, but at the thought of events, it started to make sense

"Why. was. I. hired?" Blanc went syllable through syllable

"Someone fishing for any crime that will reverse the will" The Lieutenant spoke, trying to figure it all out.

"I'm sure Ransom wasn't looking for that" Blanc said, looking over at the tall figure standing over to aside with arms crossed. Everyone in the room seemed surprised.

"I knew he was going to alter the will. But I wasn't conflicted with it at all when I hired you" Ransom shrugged, looking at Blanc who got another train of thought in process

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