Vingt (20) ~ The unexpected

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" You really know how to make me cry
When you give me those ocean eyes "
~ Ocean eyes, Billie Eilish

"Hugh, bubba" Antoinette called out for her lover, who was brushing his teeth. Before he could make a move, the woman showed up, standing by the door frame "my jeans don't fit" she groaned, clearly looking distressed.

"Marie, my beautiful wife... I'm sorry to inform you but there isn't a size smaller than double zero"

The second they returned from visiting Antoinette's family, the wedding planning started, set to happen in Spring in New York, because Diana and Chuck's wife, Blair, could both agree the town they lived at couldn't be more boring and lackluster to host a wedding that big, since both had a lot of extended family, Antoinette mostly, it was impressive how all her family were classy, rich and super interesting.

Ransom couldn't get over the fact that the girl he fell in love with he bothered intensely because he thought she was just another broke immigrant, when he was wrong, so wrong. The whole situation just reminded Ransom how she didn't deserve a wife like her; caring, selfless and dedicated.

"It's not that... they're smaller " Antoinette grunted, showing him how the bottoms refused to close.

"I mean... you've been eating more lately, maybe that's why? We also just came back from our honeymoon, it's okay to have gained a few pounds from a traveling" He shrugged it off, continuing to brush his perfect teeth, rinsing the paste off with water.

Antoinette stood rigid by the spot she was standing "Are you calling me fat?" She narrowed her eyes, growling a little at him.

Ransom's eyes widened "No! No, no, no. That's not what I meant. I did the laundry last time, maybe they shrunk?" He tried to explained himself nervously. Since when Antoinette, who is sometimes the sweetest and calmest woman in the world, react like this to such an stupidity.

"Whatever" She roller her eyes at him deeply, suddenly sounding uninterested. Ransom's frown settled deeper into his face, watching her walk away to their closet to then walk out buttoning a pair of mom jeans, she usually had to wear with a belt, but now settled perfectly.

Antoinette was usually a very active woman, always organizing their room or doing something else related to what was on schedule, so it was concerning to watch her lay down on her back, staring at the ceiling on their bed. She felt something or rather someone weigh down the bed to her side, her husband's concerned face coming into her field of vision.

"Baby, are you okay?" He asked, visibly upset with her moods. Antoinette sighed, sitting up "I don't know..."

"Is everything okay? Want me to fetch some take out and stay in, instead of going out?" He asked, caressing her cheek. She melted into the touch, closing her eyes for a little , giving him a slow nod. Ransom was still a big asshole to his family most of the time, but with Antoinette it was a whole other story.

They stayed like that for a while, staring into each other's eyes, green met blue; either of them wanting to let go. "Yeah. Sorry if I'm moody, maybe i'm in my PMS and I'm very bloated" Antoinette mumbled, trying to not ruin the moment, thus not taking into account her period was two weeks late. It's not like she kept track anyways.

"What do you want, doll? I'll get you anything" Ransom said, pulling her into his lap before wrapping his arms around her and kissing her shoulder, which stayed naked due to her choice of wearing a baggy sweater.

"Uhh... sushi? The usual with a side of fried rice and for dessert bring some brownies from the bakery across the street from the restaurant and check if they have fortune cookies!" Antoinette spoke very softly, holding onto Ransom, but still being very specific about her order.

Ransom was weirded out by the quantity of food but just shrugged and nodded, smiling sweetly. "I'll be back soon, don't miss me too much, okay?" He joked, kissing her forehead, bringing a smile to her face. "Can't promise anything"

After an eventful week full of throwing up the second she woke up, Ransom was convinced it was just a stomach bug. Antoinette had other plans in mind when she got a notification about how she was almost a month late into her period.

She went to work that morning literally shaking, asking a fellow co-worker to draw some blood from her and send it to the lab for a check up. Even back at home, Antoinette kept chewing on her nails and avoiding to speak about her apparent illness with her husband.

"Why are you looking at me like that? Give me" Antoinette grabbed the test results from the hands of her coworker, who frowned slightly "Sorry" She apologized nervously to the sweet girl, who just shrugged and said 'No worries'

"No way... ain't no fucking way..." Antoinette mumbled, fumbling around with the papers, shutting them close. Damn, it was so obvious. How the fuck did she graduate from med school, top of her class, and didn't notice this before?

"Why are kids so annoying?" Ransom grumbled, dramatically throwing himself on the foreign couch. They owed Chuck and Blair a favor, so they were taking care of their 6 month old, Henry, for the night.

"They're not! This one just behaves annoyingly" Antoinette rolled eyes, carrying the baby boy in between her arms, as he insisted on grabbing her hair and feel its silky texture.

"Whatever. All they do is eat, shit themselves and cry a lot. Why did they decided to have one? I'm sure they were totally fine without him"

Antoinette narrowed her eyes "Because they love each other! God, you're so insensitive sometimes!"

"So I got the test results back..." Later that night, Antoinette panted, a shirtless Ransom kissing down her neck while they "innocently" laid down in bed.

"Mhm..." Ransom hummed, biting into a certain spot, making her tremble under his lips.

Against all her wishes, Antoinette pushed him away "It's serious!" She said with wide eyes, her hands resting on his biceps, both their chests rising up and down heavily. Ransom's eyes his expressed concern more than anything else.

"Is it really a tapeworm? I was only kidding with that..." Ransom asked, frowning. He grew concerned as she reached for her nightstand and pulled out an envelope.

Taking a deep breath, Antoinette spoke "If a fetus is considered a tapeworm, then yes"

— — —
A/N: okay so that was something else. during quarantine i've taken into account two things; this book might be coming to its end and there might be a following book to this one, but who knows? Btw, I made a new cover. it's up there in the gallery.
Cevans is starring in a new limited series with fellow Knives Out star Jacob Martell! I'm happy I'm getting content from both of them because I've been following Jacob's work for a while now, heh. anyways, any opinions on the possibility of a second book? let me know!
stay sane and healthy xx

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