Once (11) - The fated will

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" One way or another I'm gonna get ya
I'll get ya, I'll get ya"
~ One way or another, Blondie

After the fight had cooled down, everyone sat down in the library, the family closer to the table where the will was being read. Ransom sat a little apart and Antoinette stood behind him, with her hand resting on his shoulder.

Alan started "Well. Thank you all for getting together like this, it isn't legally necessary but I thought because you're all in town and some are leaving soon it would be best—"

He was interrupted by Blanc "Excuse me Mr. Stevens. As to that, ladies and gentlemen, I'd like to gently request you all remain in town until the investigation is completed. Shouldn't be more than two days" He announced, and before anyone could react, Lieutenant Elliot added "He's gently requesting, I'm ordering. Nobody move before we figure this out"

"What?" Linda exclaimed, being the first one to speak up.

"Can we ask? Has something changed?" Joni fixed herself in the chair, sitting right up

"No" Blanc was quick to respond "Mr. Stevens, please continue"

Alan cleared his throat "Right. Well I thought this gathering would be, uh, beneficial as I told Walt, Harlan altered his will a week ago" The room shifted in expectancy "So in case there's any confusion on anything, we're all here, we can talk. I can't imagine any of it will be complicated, Harlan's assets included..."

His assistant, Sally, spoke up "...The house" she started and at the mention of this, Linda and Richard looked at each other and smiled, joining their hands for support "Sixty million"

Alan explained "Right in various cash accounts and investments, yes of course the real assets are sole ownership of um..."

Sally finished for him "Blood like wine"

"Blood like wine publishing, his publishing company. Okay" Alan finished. Walt's wive placer her hand on his knee as a way of support, which he responded with a squeeze and a tight smile.

"Um, he did write a statement when he made the recent changes, he wanted to read that first, so:" Alan cleared his throat and started reading "Some if you may not be surprised by this choice I've made here. No pleasure was taken in the exclusion, and it's purpose was not to sow greater discord in the family, quite the opposite. Please accept it with grace and without bitterness. But do accept it. It's for the best"

As the reading finished, everyone turned to Ransom, each person with a different intention. But both him and Antoinette gave the same cold, stale look he was given earlier in the adjacent room. Linda frowned when she noticed the biggest sign of wealth and Ransom's biggest achievement, the thousand dollar, antique ring he got in an auction and always wore on his pinky finger, wasn't there anymore, but rather found itself around Antoinette's neck, dangling off a thin silver chain.

Ransom had gave it to her on a starry night in Italy, when they found themselves on top of the house's roof looking at the stars.

"I've been wanting to give you this" Ransom handed over to her the ring, already hooked onto the delicate chain. He half smiled at her look of confusion "As to show my commitment to you, for now, of course. One day, when we both feel ready. I'll slip a ring on your finger asking you to marry me."

Linda handed over to Alan an envelope, making everyone tremble. The will.

"Okay. So — oh wow... yeah. Not complex at all. This'll be quick" He had shown himself surprised at the lack of content on the sheet of paper. He started to read "I, Harlan Thrombey, being of sound mind and body, yada yada yada, my assets both liquid and otherwise, will be split in half and I leave them to Marta Cabrera and Antoinette Gauthier. My entire ownership of Blood like Wine publishing I will leave to its entirety to Marta Cabrera. The copyright of its catalog likewise I leave in its entirety to Marta Cabrera"

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