Six (6) ~ My, my

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" And how could I ever refuse?
I feel like I win when I loose "
~ Waterloo, ABBA

"How was your weekend?" Harlan asked as Antoinette served him lunch. She was already back from New York, with a brand new suitcase full of brand new designer items for the day to day basis, all courtesy of Chuck and a blonde friend he had, who was particularly nice to Antoinette.

"It was amazing... Thank you very much for letting me have the free weekend" Antoinette looked at him with a very thankful smile, which Harlan returned instantly.

"It was nothing, dear. I'm glad you had a good time with Mr. Bass" Harlan said, not removing the smile. Antoinette nodded and headed back to the kitchen to pick up the mess.

Antoinette was looking down when she entered the kitchen, so when an unannounced visitor surprised her, she almost smacked him down. "Hugh? What the fuck?! What are you doing here?!" Antoinette groaned, taking a breath with her elbows leaned on the marble island and her head resting between her hands. "Don't scare me like that"

"Sorry" Ransom shrugged "I thought I would come by to check on you... I haven't heard from you in a while" He said vaguely. The dryness of his attitude bothering the petite brunette standing in front of him.

"You're the one that ignored my texts, Hugh" Antoinette commented bitterly. Ransom felt small in his current position since it was true, he had been avoiding her ever since the club. He didn't even know why, at some point he really missed her but something was containing him from texting her. Maybe it was the jealousy he felt too proud to admit he was feeling most of the time when he even thought about her and her new partner.

"I'm really sorry... Can I make it up to you?" He acted casually, trying to sound disinterested in the current situation.

Antoinette's eyes lit up in curiosity. Ransom caught this right away, an foreign feeling settling into his chest "What do you have planned?" She raised up an eyebrow, putting down what she was doing and turning to him, arms crossed.

Ransom cleared his throat to try and forget his nervousness "Uhh... movie night?" He spoke, still noticing Antoinette's brow quirked up "We could order some take out, eat ice cream... That's what friends do, right?"

"I guess so" Antoinette shrugged "Sounds like a plan. When and what time?" She asked, taking out her phone to check her schedule

"Tomorrow night, 8:30" Ransom stated, his face telling that he won't take no for an answer. Antoinette still wasn't very convinced on his recent actions so she just nodded.

— — —

Antoinette perhaps had only been on Ransom's house once or twice, nothing more. She hugged tightly onto her coat, feeling the autumn cold creep in. She rushed up to the door and rang the bell, patiently waiting.

Ransom opened the door with a bored expression, it changing almost immediately when he noticed who was standing in front of him. Uh oh. There was that feeling again, the need to grab her and hold her close, the thought of it making his chest tickle "Come in" He said, moving aside without further comments.

Antoinette took off her coat and set it aside, heading to sit down in the couch, quietly. Her eyes scanning her surrounding while Ransom walked off to his room. He was back sooner than she noticed, he didn't want to interrupt the peace of mind she found herself at, observing the big house, with a lot of glass and fancy decoration she didn't want to understand. What Antoinette didn't know that while the house felt so big, Ransom always felt so small with no one else living there.

She shook her head and cleared her throat, looking over at where he was standing "What?" Antionette asked, leaning her head to a side.

Ransom couldn't avoid the smile that threatened to creep in "Nothing. Want some popcorn?" He asked politely, heading to the kitchen when she nodded.

Antoinette felt so weird when someone else was doing things like that for her, it was incredibly odd. Soon, a big bowl of fresh popcorn sat in the coffee table in front of her. She muttered a 'Thank you' and started taking some while Ransom sat down next to her.

"What do you want to watch?" He asked, grabbing the control of the Apple TV. Antoinette just shrugged, not looking at him. "Anything you'd like"

"Is 'Mamma mia' still one of you favorite movies?" He asked curiously, watching her sit up straight and whip her head towards him.

"You still remember that?" Antoinette asked with surprise. He had told him a long while ago, even before they did something regarding the attraction they felt for each other.

"Why wouldn't I? You want to watch it?" He asked, scanning her features light up with excitement as she nodded slowly, a toothless smile bringing up her flushed cheeks. "Mamma mia it is"

Antoinette wanted to ignore the warmth that spread across her chest when Ransom sang along her and when they unintentionally scooted closer to each other, trying to fetch some warmth.

"Does your boyfriend watch these movies with you?" Ransom asked, looking down at her, trying to be ready by her answer he maybe doesn't want to hear.

"Chuck? He's not my boyfriend anymore" Antoinette laughed softly "Just an insanely good friend" She replied, looking over at Ransom and not ignoring the surprise that spread across his face.

"You're playing with me" Ransom commented bitterly but couldn't hide the smile that showed up on his face when she shook her head. "Then what happened in that weekend?"

Antoinette avoided to look at him, but a smile made a way across her face - the nostalgic kind "We both realized we wanted somebody else rather than each other"

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