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Tom looked at the clock, it was 6 A.M. Surely Edd would let Tom leave right? He sat up off the couch and thought. 'Can I just say I need a walk?' It was stupid, actually. Edd was like the mother, he did buy the house after all, so everyone had to ask permission to leave. At least, your suppose to.

Tom shrugged and got up, sliding his shoes on before exiting the house quietly. It wasn't that cold, but the sun slowly setting. Tom began walking around, heading towards the forest where the wolf had left after dropping Tom off.

Tom was fascinated by the creature, really. How could a wolf be so big? Why did it save Tom? Those silver eyes, did its parents have silver eyes like that? The questions kept popping up as Tom walked through the forest.

He heard a stream and decided to investigate it. Tom pushed some bushes aside, some thorns sticking to him, and walked past. He gasped at the sight he saw, it was beautiful.

There was a giant, rocky hill that had a waterfall. It streamed down to the bottom and created a gorgeous pond. The stream continued all the way down to another part of the forest. Colorful flowers and lily pads where everywhere. What caught Tom's attention the most was the giant blossom tree that dangled over the pond. It's leaves falling off gently and falling into the pond. It was beautiful.

Tom sat next on a log and hummed to himself. A twig snapping startled him, making him jump. He turned his head behind him and looked between two trees. Silver eyes starred right back at him, gleaming. Tom stood up and faced the creature. It was the wolf.

"H-h-hi," Tom mumbled. The wolf came out of its spot and snorted a bit, sniffing the air. Tom took out his phone and looked at the time, it was 7. Tom walked up to the wolf and began running his hands down its fluffy chest. It let out a content growl, wagging its tail.

Tom giggled a bit and hugged the wolf, who tensed up a bit. Tom let go and looked up at the wolf, pulling its face down to Tom's. "Your eyes are beautiful, they remind me of Tord's," he whispered. The wolf tensed up at the name, flicking its ear down. Tom let go of the wolf's head and itched it's chin.

The wolf gave a surprised look, widening its eyes, before letting his eyelids drop a bit halfway. He began thumping his leg as Tom scratched harder. Tom laughed and used both hands, making the wolf fall to the ground and lay on its back. It thumped it's leg and wagged it's tail, enjoying the attention from Tom.

The wolf got up and leaned down. He raised his butt in the air and leaned towards Tom, he was in the playing position. Tom laughed, "you want to play?" He asked. The wolf barked happily, wagging its tail. The wolf began running, slowly, wanting Tom to chase him.
But with Tom's short legs, he couldn't catch up.

Next, the wolf grabbed a stick and threw it. Tom snickered, "your suppose to chase the stick, not me silly!" But the wolf stuck out it's tongue and trotted around Tom.

Both of them played in the pond. Well, the wolf did, Tom stayed by the bank as the wolf sprayed water everywhere. 'I need to think of a name for him,' Tom thought. The wolf got out of the pond and shook his fur, sending water droplets everywhere. Tom giggled before getting his phone out again. "Crap!" He yelled, quickly standing up.

It was 10 already! Tom looked up at the wolf, "I'm so sorry, but it's 10 already! I have to go now!" The wolf also looked worried. He lifted Tom up and into his back, already started to run towards the house.


Tom got off the wolf and smiled, "thank you!" He said. The wolf was about to walk off until Tom brought his snout towards his face and kissed his nose. The wolf felt hot under his fur, widening his eyes. "See you tomorrow wolf!" Tom exclaimed, running up to the door. The wolf rubbed his nose and barked a goodbye.


Silver Eyes {TordTom}Where stories live. Discover now