Visible Confusion

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Tom walked towards the medic part of the building, hoping to find something for Tord's rut. It took a lot of a convincing for Tom to leave without Tord trying to follow him. Especially once he started hitting his protective state. There would be times Tord would grab Tom and wouldn't let go, even growling slightly if the Omega asked to leave.

But a ball full of catnip seemed to keep him entertained. It confused Tom a lot since Tord was a wolf, but he didn't question it. Tom just threw the ball across their room and Tord ran after it in his wolf form, shaking it vigorously, before falling to the ground and rubbing his head against it.

Tom went to the desk, seeing a nice women with her hair in a bun look a him. "Hello Luna," she bowed. Everyone referred to Tom as Luna since he is the Alpha's mate, but he honestly preferred Tom. "Just Tom is fine, anyways, do you have something for Tord? He went into a rut," he explained.

She shrugged, "I think so, I'll check the back," and she quickly left. Tom waited patiently, humming to himself slightly. She came back, a bottle of pills in her hand, "give him one every 3 hours. If he still seems uncomfortable, you can give him these other ones," she handed him another bottle of blue pills. Tom nodded, "thank you," he said and left.


Tom entered the room, noticing Tord was still on the ground,  his giant tail was flicking. Tom whistled, making Tord perk his head up. He brightened his silver eyes up, getting up and licking Tom's face. Tom laughed before pushing the giant wolf away, "okay okay! Sit down!" He sighed.

Tord sat down, still towering over Tom. Tom took a pill out of the bottle and itched Tord's chin, instantly making the Alpha pant heavily. Quickly, he slipped the pill in Tord's mouth. Tord snapped his mouth shut out of confusion, swallowing the pill with his saliva, sticking his tongue out slightly in disgust.

"That should help with your rut," Tom laughed. That was, until he saw Tord start coughing, spitting the pill out. "Tord! What the hell?" He yelled. Tord turned into his human form, wiping his mouth. "Yuck," he spat. "Tord, your suppose to swallow it," Tom groaned. The Alpha crossed his arms, "I'm not going to swallow something you randomly put in my mouth," he growled slightly.

Tom rolled his eyes, "dummy," he mumbled. "What'd you do to the catnip?" He asked, looking around for the ball. Tord shrugged, "I dunno, I got bored with it and then I forgot what happened to it after I lost consciousness," he said. Tom sighed before walking past Tord, looking for the ball.

Tom laid a hand on his stomach, feeling the small bump. It was only two months now, seven more to go still. Tord came up from behind Tom, wrapping his arms around his lovers waist as he set his hands on Tom's hands too, also feeling the bump. He snuggled his face against Tom's shoulder, sighing.

Tom giggled slightly, turning around to hug Tord. "You extremely hot, you should take a pill and go to bed," Tom said. Tord sighed, removing his face, "but the work around the base. I need to help," Tord mumbled. Tom ruffled Tord's hair, "don't worry about it Love, I can handle it!" He laughed.


Tom didn't handle it. Papers were scattered around him in his lovers office, his hair was a mess. Tom ran his hands down his face, groaning. There were multiple types of papers! Ones of supplies, contracts, deals, arrangements, meetings, and so much more. Tom would have to sign all of them just like how Tord did, which was extremely difficult since he couldn't copy Tord's signature that well!

Tom whined softly, sliding down the chair. A knock was heard on the door, making Tom sit back up. "Come in," he groaned. A women with long, blonde hair came in. She had blue eyes and a lot of red lipstick. Tom noticed how she stuck out her hip a bit and seemed to try and make her chest seem rather quite large on her slim body.

She seemed disappointed when she saw Tom, readjusting her posture. "Oh, I was expecting someone else," she mumbled. Tom rolled his eyes, crossing his arms, "what do you want?" He hissed between his clenched teeth. She huffed slightly, pulling a card out from her pocket, "give this to Red, will you?" She ordered.

Tom grabbed the card and looked at it, not opening it. He raised an eyebrow, "alright, now get out of my Alpha's office," he snarled the my part. She rolled her eyes, walking out with a sway of her hips as she slammed the door shut. Tom quickly opened the card, scanning his eyes over it.

Hey Red Leader!
It's me, Courtney. Anyways, I was thinking you'll join me for dinner sometime? And afterwards, I can show you a few surprises I have ;) after all, I'm much better than that Omega!
Love, Court!

Tom ripped the note apart, throwing it away in the trash can. Jealously swam in him, making him huff angrily. How dare a little slut come and try to steal his mate after all?


Also, Courtney won't be a big character. She's just that one annoying side character all of us want to kill uwu

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