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Tom slowly opened his eyes, noticing he was laying in a hospital bed. Looks like his guardian was right, he would be in a lot of pain. 'I hope Tord isn't in that much pain,' he said to himself.

Tom noticed he was wearing the black shirt he had underneath his hoodie still, but bandages lathered his body. As he tried to sit up to study his body more, a shocking wave of pain traveled up his shoulder. "Eep!" He yelped, instantly laying back down to hold his shoulder.

Tom turned his head a bit, looking at his shoulder. He lifted his sleeve up a bit to see a row of fine stitches holding the gap where the man had stabbed him in place. Carefully, Tom removed the covers off of him, looking at his legs. He was wearing shorts, showing the bandages that covered his legs. Tom studied his hand, noticing bandages covered the palm and the back of his hand, only his fingers were exposed. 'It must be from the trap,' he guessed.

Multiple needles were in his arms, putting fluids in his body. A heart monitor beeped next to him, sending him an eerie feeling. Tom put the blanket back on him, closing his eyes as he controlled his panicked breathing. A click of the door scared him, making the heart monitor go up. A nice nurse came in with a small name tag on her white coat. 'Marine,' Tom said in his head.

"Oh, your awake," she whispered. Tom calmed down, remembering he was at the Red Army. His guardian had explained everything she could to Tom, about how he was injured, being taken to Norway, all that good stuff. Tom nodded in response, holding his shoulder a bit. "How do you feel?" Marine asked, sitting next to Tom. "Just...hurt..." he gasped lightly, finding it difficult to speak. Marine nodded, "your going to hurt for a long time, but your doing better," she smiled.

Tom nodded, closing his eyes as another wave of pain hit him. "How's Tord?" He asked. Marine looked up from her check board after checking the machines next to Tom, biting her lips. "Red Lead- Tord Lawsen is barely waking up from surgery. He had to get his arm replaced with a robotic one and his right side of his face is covered in bandages. He lost a lot of blood, but we think he'll survive," she answered.

Tom whimpered slightly, "can I go see him?" He asked. Marine sighed a bit, "I'm sorry Thomas, but you can't until he's completely awake. He's in intense pain right now, it's best to leave him," she whispered. Tom sat up slowly, "but I'm his mate, he'll feel better with me next to him," he convinced. Marine shook her head slightly, "unless he gives a command to see you, your unable to go. Besides, you need those needles in you right now," she said in a guilty voice.

Tom nodded though, understanding, "I understand, but can you go check on him and tell me how he is?" He asked, it was the least she could do. Marine wrote something down quickly after looking at the machine and nodded, "yes, I'm going there right now. While your awake, do you want something to eat or drink?" She asked, fixing her glasses up. Tom shrugged, "I guess something to drink," he murmured.


Tord rolled over again onto his side, growling in pain. His right side of his face stung terribly and itched from the medication they had added, but he couldn't itch it from the bandages. His robotic arm felt cold and uncomfortable, but he had to admit, it did look cool. He had no shirt on since apparently he had broken some ribs so they had wrapped bandages around his whole chest. He has pants though. That was nice I guess. Multiple other stitches and bandages lathered his skin, but what hurt the most was his neck. Whenever he tried to breath, it would come out raspy and sore, his voice was also weak. Deep punctures had punched through his neck, leaving him permanent scars. He was lucky to be alive.

Tord sat up again, his muscles ached terribly. Marine came back into his room, "ah, you look much better," she smiled. Tord sighed as he laid back down, wincing at the pain. She checked the machines again and wrote some stuff downs before looking at Tord again. "Tom wanted me to check on you, I'll tell him your doing better," she simply said. Tord opened his good eye, "is he okay?" He asked, his voice horsed.

Marine nodded, "he's a bit nervous, but other then that, he's okay. He'll need to stay in bed rest for a bit until his body has strength again," she said, moving a strand of hair away from her eyes. Tord closed his eye again, "Ringo? How is she?" He asked. Marine bit her lip, "Ringo is...she's struggling," she whispered. Tord sighed, "she isn't going to make it, is she?" He mumbled, rolling onto his side again. Marine only lowered her head at the Alpha.

She perked her head back up, "do you want anything to eat or drink?" She questioned. Tord shook his head, yawning slightly. "Can I go see Tom?" He asked in a bit of a commanding voice. Marine opened the door, "you can't visit him, but he can come visit you if you wish, Alpha," she answered. Tord nodded, "send him over," he ordered. She nodded.

If anyone is confused, please ask questions! Chapters from here will get a bit confusing from time to time

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