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Tord yawned, laying down on a rock. Tom was next to him, dozing off. He was still stressed, something was wrong and he knew it, but what? Tom rolled over, flicking his ears at Tord. "What's wrong, love?" He asked, licking Tord's chin.

The Alpha sighed, "I'm not sure, I feel, no I know, something is wrong, I just can't put my claw on it," he groaned. Tom stood up, stretching like a cat, "oh Tord, your so anxious all the time, loosen up!" He laughed. Tord smiled, "tch yeah, maybe I should loosen up," he joked.

Tord pushed Tom off the rock, watching Tom scurry as he slipped. "Hey!" Tom giggled, watching Tord jump next to him. He jumped onto the Alpha, tackling him to the ground. Tord nipped Tom playfully, pushing the Omega. Both of them played, laughing and giggling.

That was until a twig snapped behind them. Tord lifted up his head, pushing Tom off. Tord stood up, becoming stuff as his ears were up and his eyes were sharpened. Tom stayed low to the ground, a usual Omega behavior. "Show yourself," Tord barked, keeping his eyes where the branch snapped. A white figure came out of the bush, her blue eyes on Tord's silver ones.


She sat down, her head held highly. "Ah, Tord and Tom, right?" She asked, flicking her tail. Tord only nodded, a growl escaping his lips. "Mmm do you guys know where Ringo is?" She asked again, licking a paw and running it across her ear. Tord lifted an eyebrow, "at home, why?" He growled.

Mariel giggled, closing her eyes, "good good, now she won't ruin my plan," she said, venom lacing her words. Tord slowly lowered himself, ready to pounce, "what plan?" He asked, looking behind himself for Tom. Mariel laughed again, "oh sweetie, I knew you were a werewolf long ago, I just needed to make sure. Now that you have a mate, well, the more the marrare!" She laughed psychologically, "now we'll be even more rich!" Her voice rang out.

"Oh," she said, wiping a tear away from laughing, "it doesn't stop there, darling," she giggled. " I'm sure you know a man named by Charles Linthen?" She asked, getting up. Tord felt his body feel weak, he began to shake. "No," he whispered, his pupils were dilated. Mariel smiled, "oh yes, honey. Your mother made us rich," she laughed, swiping her tail.

Tord glared at her, "don't talk about my mother like that!" He yelled, a growl forming in the back of his throat. "He's DEAD! My uncle killed him!" He shouted, tears filled his eyes. Mariel laughed, "oh no no no! Your uncle killed the man next to Charles. Charles was the man who shot your mom," she smiled. Tord was getting flashbacks from the incident, his mother falling to the ground. Now that he studied it, it was a different man who shot his mom.

Tom slowly got up, wrapping his tail around his mate, "Tord calm down, please your scaring me," Tom whispered. Tord looked at Tom, tears were threatening to fall. "Don't listen to her, she's lying Tord," Tom whispered. Mariel yawned loudly, "ugh, yaaawn! C'mon sweetie, your mom is dead either way!" She laughed. Tom snarled loudly, "stop it! Leave him alone!" He snarled, his horns began growing longer as purple smoke came out of his eyes.

Tord shook his head, "Tom let's go, now," he ordered. Tom nodded, walking up to Tord. Mariel clicked her tongue, "it's too late to do that," she said. Tord looked at her, "and why is that?" He snarled. Mariel smiled, "you can't leave," she answered. "Watch me!" He growled.

Mariel laughed, "it's already scented you," she whispered. She jumped up onto a tree, clawing her way up. Tord looked around, loud paw steps could be heard. Tom instantly went behind his Alpha, small whimpers escaping his lips. "It's okay, stay behind me," Tord ordered, looking ahead of himself.

A giant grey creature pushed bushes aside, a snarl escaping its mouth. Scars lathered it's body as yellow eyes looked at Tord's silver ones. It's snout was white, along with its chest and stomach. A wolf. A real one, not a werewolf or a regular timber wolf. It was an extinct wolf, somehow still alive.

Tord pushed Tom away, "RUN!" He shouted as he was quickly pushed to the ground.

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