Good Boi

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Tord paced around the hallways, panting happily as Tom followed behind him. "Tord I was joking, you don't have to tell the whole base!" He exclaimed. Tord looked behind his shoulder, wagging his tail 80 miles per hour, "nah, I'm going to prove you my love! That's what good boys do," he purred, continuing down the hall.

Tom smiled softly, before shaking his head, "Tord, I love you too and I know you love me, it's fine," he said. Tord only titled his ears forward, "I know!" He yelped. Tom sighed, "Tord, you can tell everyone that I'm your mate later, it's okay!" He growled a bit. Tord looked at Tom, licking his cheek, "love, I know what I'm doing. I'll just tell them now," he said, shrugging.

Tom shook his head vigorously, "why do you want to tell them so badly?" He exclaimed. Tord clicked his claws, looking for a soldier that was already in their wolf form, "because I'm a good boy and I love you," he purred. Tom sighed, "you really are just a dog in a wolf body," he groaned. Tord perked his ears, seeing a grey wolf in the hallways on guard duty. "Keegan!" Tord barked, getting the wolf's attention.

"Yes Alpha?" He asked, lowering his head at the larger male, "gather everyone into the assembly room, I have some important news to announce," he ordered, winking at Tom. Tom blushed under his pelt, he absolutely hates when Tord winks at him. It was too hot for an Omega like himself. Keegan nodded, "yes Alpha," and quickly left, howling for everyone's attention.

Tord grinned, getting up and continued walking towards the assembly room. "So, does this make me a good boy now?" Tord chuckled, licking Tom's nose. Tom growled before smiling softly, "okay fine, this makes you a very good boy," he cooed. He licked Tord's cheek, watching the Alpha squirm in delight.

Tom turned into his human as Tord did too. Both of them entered their shared room. "Alright, you better get ready for your presentation," he chuckled. Tord ran his hand through one of his horns, "I look hot enough," he smirked. Tom sighed, rolling his eyes, "that's true," he giggled. Tord wrapped his arms around Tom's waist, "so do you forgive me about what I said about our baby?" He asked, kissing Tom's cheek and then down to his chin.

Tom laughed, "I do, but it's up for our mini us to pick," he joked. Tord shrugged, "haha alright," he laughed, picking Tom up. Tom yelped in surprise as Tord lifted him all the way up, making Tom's legs on Tord's shoulders as Tord's face was on Tom's stomach. "Tord! Ahaha that tickles!" He giggled as Tord kissed his stomach. "Okay okay! Sh-haha!- she forgives you! Haha!" He laughed, realizing Tord was also laughing.

He lifted Tom back down, giving him a quick kiss. "Okay, we better hurry up, it's almost 6," he said. Tom nodded, hugging Tord.


Tord quickly put on his blue overcoat, looking in the mirror. He turned his head around as he heard a small purr, "well well well~" Tom purred. Tord snickered, "what? Do I flatter you?" He joked to his Omega, pulling Tom closer to him. Tom put a hand on Tord's chest, blushing lightly as he chuckled, "oh of course you do commie," he responded.

Tom kissed Tord quickly as he wrapped his arms around Tord neck, "be a good boy~" he joked. Tord smiled, a small laugh escaping his lips, "anything for you Witness," he answered. Both of them left their room, making their way towards the assembly room.

Tom never seen so many people in one place! He wanted to hold Tord's hand, but he had left to go to the backroom to get ready for his announcement. Tom spotted Edd and Matt, quickly making his way towards them, "Edd, Matt!" He exclaimed. Edd looked up from his phone, Matt looking up from his mirror, "Tom! It's been a while!" Edd said, hugging the Omega. Matt smiled, also hugging Tom.

Matt looked around, "so why did Tord call this meeting?" He asked. Tom gave a sly smile, keeping his voice down, "he's going to announce to everyone I'm his mate and...well, you'll have to figure out the rest," he snickered. Edd rolled his eyes, "I have a bad feeling about this," he mumbled. Tom laughed a bit before looking at Edd again, "how's Ringo?" He asked quietly.

Edd sighed, "she's still in terrible shape. I wish I could understand her, but Matt and I aren't werewolves," he murmured. Tom shook his head, "maybe I can talk to her," he volunteered. Matt perked up, "really? Can you do that please?" He pleaded. Tom smiled, "of course! I do owe her a thank you for saving my life and-" he quickly cut himself off. Edd was confused but nodded along.

"Everyone be quiet! Red Leader is on stage!" Someone exclaimed, making the room fall silent. Tom looked up at his lover, blushing. 'Is it just me or did he just get 10x hotter?' He asked himself. Tord cleared his throat as he prepared to speak, "im sorry for the random meeting, but it is quite important news," he began, looking at Tom.

"As you all know, three new members have joined our pack. Four counting the cat. Edd and Matt, who are both excellent soldiers," he let the soldiers cheer for a bit before continuing. "And Tom, who I ranked secretary right away. I know many of you were confused by this sudden outburst, especially since he was a new recruit. But I made him secretary for a certain reason, and after this assembly, he will be changed to a different rank," Tom tilted his head, what rank?

Tord sighed softly as he prepared himself for what he was about to say. "Tom is my mate," he said in a calm voice. Everyone gasped, instantly starting to mumbling between themselves at the news they heard. Multiple people looked at Tom and whispered things, watching the Omega whimper softly. Tord continued, "I know he's an Omega, but I expect all of you to treat him well," he snarled the last bit.

"Anyways, there's more than just that," he snickered. "Tom is also carrying my baby-our!- baby," he corrected himself. Everyone was quiet as a wave of realization hit them.

The famous Red Leader, the most powerful man in the world, feared by everyone, was going to have a child with an Omega.

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