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Tord groaned softly, keeping his eyes closed. Everything around him sounded like he was underwater, making him whimper. He felt like he was floating, but when he opened his eyes, he was on soft grass. He was back at the pond?

He lifted up his head, but was quickly pushed back down as he felt a warm tongue lick his head. Tord looked up, gasping, "mother?" He asked, his ears flattened. The light brown wolf nodded, her silver eyes meeting Tord's. "Your awake," she whispered.

Tord licked her chin, happy whimpers escaped his lips as he wagged his tail happily. He quickly stopped wagging as Anxiety filled him, "am I dead?" He asked. Mother shook her head, "no Darling, your body is healing," she kept her voice quiet and smooth. "You'll stay here until you can go back," Mother said.

Tord sighed, relaxing his sore muscles. "Good," he mumbled. Until her perked his head back up, "Tom! Where's Tom!" He cried out. Mother licked his head again, "shhh, keep your voice quiet. Your in the Garden of Healing, you'll disturb the trees," she chuckled. Tord gulped, wagging his tail anxiously. "Tom is okay, he's healing. He's in a coma right now like you, except another guardian is with him," she answered.

Tord nodded, resting his head again. "And Ringo?" He asked. Mother smiled, "you ask so many questions," she giggled before nodding, "I'm not so sure about her. She's with Paul and Patryk," she answered. Tord tilted his head, "why is she with them?" He asked another question. "I had sent a sign that you were in trouble. Your in a plane right now, that's why you might have felt a bit dizzy. Your being taken back to Norway, Tom's also with you. And sweet little Ringo," she laughed.

Tord flicked his ear, "what about Edd and Matt?" He asked. "They are also being taken, it'll be safer since the Lithens will take them as prisoners. They can go back when it's safer, don't worry," she soothed. Tord sighed, closing his eyes. "You know, Ringo saved Tom's life and your baby," she started, smoothing Tord's fur.

Tord perked his head up, about to exclaim but had to hold it back with a whimper. "About that, is Tom really pregnant?" He asked, wagging his tail excitedly. Mother chuckled, nodding, "yes, just barely a week old," she whispered. Tord sighed, "I'm going to be a father," he smiled. That was until reality sinked, "I'm going to be a father," he said in a panicked voice. "I'm not ready!" He tried to keep his voice down but it was hard.

Mother nudged him gently, "be quiet Dear. Besides, I know your ready. Your baby will grow up in the base, they'll be plenty of soldiers free to help you and Tom. It won't be long until Tom will feel his mother instincts kick in," she comforted her son. Tord licked his lips nervously, laying his head back down. Mother flicked her ears up as she closed her eyes, stopping the grooming. Tord looked up at her, watching her study something in her mind.

"Okay, you've landed. You'll be taken to the medic part of the base. Surgery will be done soon since you've broken your right arm terribly. It'll be replaced with a robotic red one. You will be blind in your right eye, scars will lather your right side. An eyepatch will cover your injured eye," she reported from the vision. Tord whimpered, "oh," he whispered.

Mother licked his snout, "don't worry Tord, you'll look handsome still. Besides, Tom will still love you," she soothed. "What about Tom? Does he need to go to surgery?" He asked. Mother shrugged, "kind of, he just needs stitches for his shoulder. The baby will get an ultrasound to make sure it's still alive and well," she answered. Tord sighed, "hopefully Ringo will live, I really need to thank her," he whispered.

Mother nodded, "she's strong, she just has deep punctures on her sides and scratches. But for a small creature like her, she lost a lot of blood," she murmured. Tord lowered his head, a sad silence filled the two. "Your in surgery right now, go back to sleep, okay? I'll wake you up when it's over and you'll be back in your body," she whispered, licking Tord's head.

Tord nodded, closing his eyes as tiredness all of a sudden washed over him. "I love you," he murmured before fallen asleep. Mother stopped licking, "and so do I, my brave little solider."

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