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Tom sat up, the morning sun blinding him. He groaned, noticing the aching pain in his head. Tom slowly stood up, leaning against the wall for balance. He had no idea what happened at night, but all he could remember was blood.

And Tord.


Tom looked around, sighing in relief as he saw Tord in his wolf form, on his side. His chest rose and fell slightly, Tom's sweater was wrapped around his shoulder. Tom walked up to him and laid against Tord, closing his eyes.

Tord groaned slightly, stretching. He turned over and sighed, slowly getting up. Tom looked up at him, rubbing his head. "Do you know what happened last night?" He asked. Tord shook his fur, before giving Tom a curious look.

He slowly turned into his human form, holding his shoulder as he growled in pain. "Ughhh, what did you say again?" Tord asked, sitting next to Tom. "What happened last night?" Tom asked again. Tord yawned, "you saved me, remember?" Tom shook his head. "I don't remember anything last night," he answered.

Tord raised an eyebrow, "you don't? I remember everything. You took off your sweater and wrapped it around my shoulder and you kept talking to yourself. You don't remember turning into a wolf?" Tord asked, baffled. Tom now gave him a confused look, "what are you talking about? When did I turn into a wolf?" Tord sighed, "you turned into something, I can't remember clearly, but you were all black with two purple eyes and horns. How do you not remember?" He asked.

Tom got up shakily, "no? What are you talking about?" Tord also got up and took off the sweater on his shoulder. "Maybe it was a dream, oh well. I'm alive at least, thanks for the sweater," Tord thanked. Tom took his blue hoodie from Tord, noticing it was drenched in blood. "Don't you need it on your shoulder?" He asked. Tord shook his head, "no I'm part wolf, I'll heal quickly," he answered.

They both walked out of the small cave and into the freezing air. Tom began shaking, hugging himself tightly, he was only in a grey shirt. "It's cold!" He yelled. Tord flicked out his two ears, ready to turn back into his wolf, "then turn into your wolf," he mumbled. Tom rolled his eyes, "Tord, it was a dream, remember? I can't do that," Tom sighed.

Tord nodded, "r-right," before turning into his wolf. But he knew it wasn't a dream, Tom really did have a wolf side.

Somewhere in him.


Tom had snuggled into Tord's fur, making him warm. Tord had to stop by the pond to quickly change his sweater since it had dried blood on it. "Why do you have an extra sweater here?" Tom asked. Tord shrugged, lifting a rock up and taking the new red sweater out. It had dirt on it, but it was better then blood. "Just in case Edd kicked me out and I needed to be in my human form," he answered.

Tord looked over at Tom who was shivering, and then back at his bloody sweater that he had on. Edd wouldn't notice, would he? He walked up to Tom and put the sweater on Tom instead. "But your covered in blood," Tom argued. Tord smiled, "and your freezing, besides, Edd won't notice," he mumbled.

Tom rolled his eyes playfully, before snuggling into the hoodie. Tord didn't know what time it was, but him and Tom were sure going to get a yelling. Tord looked over at Tom who stood up. Tord instantly looked away, noticing how the hoodie fit like a dress on Tom, making him look hella adorable.

Tord turned back into his wolf for the 3rd painful time and lifted Tom onto his back. Finally heading home.


Tom waited for Tord to turn into his human form and fix his messy hair. "Edd is going to yell at us," he mumbled. Tord shrugged, "I'll take the blame, besides, I'll doubt he'll care."

Tord walked into the house first and then let Tom in, locking the door behind him. Tord pushed Tom behind him as he noticed a police officer was talking to Edd and Matt. Tom began trembling, Anxiety taking its place again.

Matt looked at Tord, "Tord!" He exclaimed, running up to him and hugging him. Tord pat Matt's head, "oh, hey Matt?..." he laughed awkwardly. Tom moved away from Tord and looked at Matt. "Tom!" Matt exclaimed too. Matt hugged Tom tightly, making Tom growl.

The three were interrupted by the officer who cleared his throat. Edd was glaring at Tord and Tom, tears looked like we're about to fall. "we thought you guys died..." Edd whispered.

Tord looked away, avoiding eye contact. Tom only scooted closer to Tord, sighing.

The officer took out his notepad, "speak."

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