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It had been two weeks since Ringo's death. They had a burial for her and a long howl to welcome her on her journey to the above. Everyone missed her, after all, she saved a whole generation by saving Tom's baby!

Edd was doing better, but still missed his furry companion. Matt was trying to best to comfort Edd, even volunteering to buy him a new kitten. But Edd quickly declined, he wasn't ready to have another pet. He didn't want to lose it like Ringo, but maybe someday.

Tord was walking down the hallways, going towards the training area where new recruits were being trained. He's been extremely stressed, especially after Tom had started puking. Tom had told him it was normal for his pregnancy to get sick, but Tord was still overprotective. Tom's bump had grown a bit, you could run your hand down his stomach and feel a small hill.

As Tord turned the hallway, the ill feeling hit him again. It sent a warm feeling in his abdomen as his stomach knotted. Instantly, a wave of heat hit him as it made him stop, having to hold his head. It lasted for a few seconds before stopping, making him regain consciousness.

'What the hell?...' he thought to himself. He's never felt like this before, but it happened more often as he got closer to Tom. Speaking of Tom, he all of a sudden felt overprotective, wanting to be close to his Omega. He turned into his wolf and ran back towards the direction of their room.


Tom sat on their bed, scrolling through his phone. He was singing quietly to himself, he always had a passion for music, but never bothered to chase after the career. Tom jumped once Tord had entered the room, back in his human form. "Tord, your back early," he said, surprised.

Tord only laid down on the bed and groaned, "I think I'm dyiiiiiing," he mumbled, stretching out the dying part. Tom rolled his eyes, putting his attention on his phone again, "and why is that?" He asked. Tord sat up, "because I keep getting these waves of random heat and pain around my stomach. This time it happened but another feeling of protectiveness washed over me and now I'm here," he explained.

Tom snickered, "maybe your just worried about being a dad," he explained. Tord shook his head, "your no help. I'm going to my uncles," he growled slightly as he got up. Tom quickly grabbed Tord's arm and sat him back down, still keeping his eyes on his phone, "you could be going into a rut," Tom stated calmly.

Tord looked over at Tom's phone, noticing he had searched all his symptoms up, "what? No, I can't be," Tord denied. Tom shrugged, "you get them once a month anyways, kind of like my heats. Usually they are timed like my cycle, but since we've been only mates for two months, they'll be uneven. Until I get off my pregnancy and go back to heat, they'll be timed," Tom said, continuing looking at his phone.

Tord groaned, falling back to the bed, "now I'll have to be off of work again," he complained. Tom looked over at him, "what's a rut?" He asked. Tord blushed lightly, "I'll tell it straight, it's pretty much when I get horny as fuck and extremely overprotective," he mumbled.

Tom also blushed, blinking a few times in confusion, "so like a heat, but more dominant?" He asked again. Tord just nodded, "I go through it every 3 months now but once your own heats happen, I'll go through it every month. But since this is my first ever one, it'll probably be short," he explained. Tom raised an eyebrow, "but I thought I go through heat twice a year?" He asked. Tord shook his head, "I lied since you don't want to upset an Omega on heat," he chuckled.

Tom growled slightly, "so I'll go through heat every month after my pregnancy?" He snarled. Tord only nodded, "simular to a girl on her period," he joked. Tom huffed, "well, at least you have to suffer too," he sneered. "It's not really suffering if you count, "having sex every month," a suffer," he laughed. Tom blushed, "w-what?!" He stuttered.

Tord just chuckled, about to talk, until headache hit him. "Owww," he groaned, holding his head. Tom just got up and patted his head, snickering, "until then, I'll call it a suffer," he purred. Tord rolled his eyes, "I'm going to the forest, you wanna come with?" He asked. Tom nodded, "sure, I could use for a run."


Tord panted heavily, lapping water up from a small puddle. Tom came from behind him, panting too, but not as heavily, "you alright?" He asked. Tord nodded, water dripping from his snout, "y-yeah! Yeah I'm fine!" He lied, realizing he was sweating under his fur. Tom put his nose under Tord's chest, "you smell funny," he mumbled. Tord gasped, making Tom move from his chest.

"Tord, I told you I can help you," he said. Tord shook his head, "no no no! It makes me uncomfortable thinking about the baby," he panted. Tom rolled his eyes, "Tord, it's only been a month, almost two. It's alright to have sex," he murmured. Tord just shook his head, drool dripping out of his jaw.

Tom shrugged, "alright, whatever you say Alpha," he laughed. Tord growled slightly, shaking slightly as he walked. This was going to be a looooooong week.

Once again, I don't know too much about Omegaverse and all those things like ruts or heats!

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