todoroki shoto

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𝚠𝚊𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜 - i think i hinted at something sexual or something idk

𝚗𝚘𝚝𝚎𝚜 - go check out the singers channel on youtube! she's an amazing artist and her voice is soooo beautiful! her channel is called annapantsu

𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚍 𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝 - 1282

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as y/n stood in the arena, she couldn't help but bounce on her feet. a happy and excited smile stretched across her face that revealed just how cheerful she was.

on the other side of the arena stood todoroki shoto. the aloof yet intelligent and strong young man studied the girl currently wiggling around.

"allllright! next up are two 1-a competitors! todoroki shouto vs. l/n y/n." present mic's loud voice was practically a scream as he spoke, informing the crowd on who exactly was fighting. though the crowd was already well aware of who the two teens were. both had made bold and big moves during the sports festival, not to mention todoroki was, well, the son of the number two hero.

"are you two ready?" midnight asked, as she stood on her own little platform.

the half and half boy nodded silently while the h/c haired girl let out an excited, "absolutely!"

"ok, on the count of three. three... two... one!" midnight called out, starting the match with a quick snap of her whip.

todoroki instantly went on the defense, he knew of y/n's quirk well enough to know that he needs to be on high alert at all times.

the sight was one that made endeavor cringe from his standing spot in the stadium. y/n, a pretty innocent looking girl, happily tapping her foot and humming to herself like she was having a blast. while on the other side of the ring stood a well built and muscular shoto, his senses seemingly all on high alert as he crouched in a defensive position.

endeavor scoffed. "just get on with it!" he thought, wanting nothing more than for his masterpiece to burn the girl to smithereens.

y/n began giggling as she looked at todoroki. "trying to focus?" she asked sweetly in a sing song way, tilting her head to the side.

"i know what you're trying to do." shoto responded simply.

"oh? and what could that be?" she hummed out, her once innocent smile was now filled with pure mischief. she winked at the boy as she started to prance around the ring, a jump in her step.

y/n started humming louder as her smile grew in size. she let her hips swing side to side a little as she walked, getting in the perfect mood to entrance someone.


a/n: you can start the music now if you want~


giggling, y/n started singing. "day to night to morning, keep with me in the moment, i'd let you had i known it," she closed her eyes as she sung, letting her body move to the rhythm of the song she was singing. "why don't you say so?"

todoroki iced the floor but y/n jumped onto the ice happily. "didn't even notice, no punches left to roll with, you got to keep me focused, you want it say so." her head was now swaying with the rhythm as her voice charmed the audience.

y/n looked up to meet eyes with the young todoroki but he averted his gaze away from her. as she repeated the two stanzas of lyrics, she slowly got closer and closer to the white and red boy.

"it's been a long time since you," y/n pointed her hands at todoroki, giving him finger guns. "fell in love!" y/n sang, as todoroki glared at her while she continued to sing the next couple of lines.

"you ain't coming out your shell, you ain't really been yourself!" she spread her arms out wide as todoroki struggled to stay conscious.

her smirk grew as she saw her affect on the boy in front of her. "tell me what i must do!" she brought her arms in towards her body. "to tell my love!" she sang out happily.

"cause luckily i'm good at reading, i wouldn't love him and he won't stop chasin'!" y/n spun around on one foot before she started dancing around cheerfully, sending playful glances to todoroki.

while dancing around she continued to sing, making her way closer to todoroki as she did so. "if you front then i'll be bouncing! if you want it scream and shout it babe. before i leave you dry!" she stuck her tongue out and giggled, todoroki took a few steps back and realized she had backed him up to the white line.

"so she's not just messing around." todoroki mentally noted.

todoroki blinked and stumbled to the left a little, showing just how out of it he was getting. y/n repeated the first two stanzas of lyrics once again as she closed in on todoroki. the boy stomped a foot, trying to regain some sort of composer as his head started drooping.

"yeahhh," y/n's tone seemed to drop slightly as she grabbed onto todoroki's arm. she excitedly dragged him to the middle of the ring, causing him to stumbled and trip a couple times. y/n let go and backed away from the boy and continued with her song.

"let me check my chest, my breath right quick." todoroki watched as y/n gestured to her chest and sighed, causing more than a few inappropriate whistles from the crowd and a warning call of her name from aizawa.

"he ain't never seen it in a dress like this. he ain't never been impressed like this, prolly why i got him quiet on the set like zip." y/n said, in a quiet and husky sing song tone and again, more whistles.

"like it, love it, need it bad. take it, only, steal it, fast." y/n said in a seductive voice.

"boy, stop playing, grab my ahh!" y/n practically caressed her ass, eliciting a loud cheer from the crowd. she then quickly bounced behind todoroki. "why you acting like you shy?" she whispered in his ear, tickling his skin.

todoroki stumbled away as y/n stayed in her spot. "shut it, save it, keep it, push. why you beating 'round the bush?" todoroki glanced back to y/n only to see her sly smirk. "and knowing you want all this woman!" she practically purred as she raised her arms up to stretch her body.

an agitated aizawa warned y/n once again but she ignored him, continuing to bewitch her classmate.

"all of them bitches hating i have you with me! all of my girls saying you mad committed! realer than anybody you had and pretty!" aizawa warned her again but but she couldn't really hear it over the cheering crowd. "all of that body-ody, the ass and yitties!" she cheered happily as she stalked over to todoroki who moved away from her.

she continued singing, repeating lyrics from the beginning as she moved around todoroki and danced with herself by the line. just as she finished the song and started humming, she stepped over the line and smirked up at todoroki.

he was utterly confused, anger rippled through his body as midnight announced he was the winner. the overwhelming feeling of sleep and exhaustion left his body as y/n watched him. "why?" he asked quietly.

"i'll fight you for real when you quit acting like an ass. as a class we need to stick together and watch each others backs because no one else will. so get that through your thick skull, okay?" she said sweetly, it almost didn't sound like a threat.

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