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It is a peacdul day in the Okuken village, and the weather is just right. The sun shines brightly in the light blue sky with puffy white clouds. With the cool breeze kept the temperature down at a perfect temerature.

You give out a wide smile to your costumers who felt at home with your precence. Your (e/c) eyes memsmerised everyone. Your beauty and kindness was well-known around the village. Although they saw you that way, deep down there was a dark side. It was full of mischeif and disobedience. But it was only natural.

You were once part of a powerful clan who was undefeatable in battle, but who knew an illness would be the one to wipe them out? No one and you were lucky enough to have a power that protected you from pain. The power underneath was the power to heal. you bear the mark of a black and white dragon. The white dragon, which was thought to be extinct, actually lived on and only one was left; your mother. The black dragon, the white dragon's enemy, came from your father. He was to be the next king, but he threw away his throne to be with your mother even though it was forbidden. It is said that a child who possesses both powers from each parent is ranked as a god. And when news came of your birth, several attempts of kidnapping and assassination was taking place. Your parents along with you joined the undefeatable clan who protected you till the end.

Now you work at a small café in a secluded village. It's small yet so many people come to enjoy small meals and fine brewed tea. To your surprise when you first started working there, it was because of you that all of it happened. In abmatter of no time were the number one waitress to be seen in the café.

"Welcome!" You said to the new costumer. It was a little old lady who comes often and is now a regular.

"Oh, thank you young lady," the old lady said as you pulled out a chair for her.

You gave her the menu and waited patiently for her to order. When she ordered, you went straight to the kitchen. While you gave the written order to the chef, you notice something quite odd. The once loud room full of laughter and joy was silenced. Curiously, you couldn't help but see what could cause a room full of people to suddenly quit speaking.

At the doorway was a group of people waiting to be seated. All of them wore the same uniform; a black robe with red clouds. All of them were obviously fighters of somesort.

Couldbthey be ninjas, samurai, or assassins? You thought this as you approuched with your famous smile. Getting closer them made you realise how scary they looked, but it didn't bother you.

"Welcome," you said energentically. But despite your attempt to make the atmosphere of the café to light, the group stayed still in silence.

One of the men with white hair spoke up, "Just give us a f*cking table!"

Instead of being frightened, you were completely pissed. How rude! You fought the urge to use one of your common black dragon fighting techniques; the bladed claw.

Putting away the anger, you put on that smile again; although this time it was completely fake. You have never experienced such rudeness even from a complete outsider. You waited patiently as they ordered their meal.

While they waited for the food you ask, "Is there anything to drink you would like?"

They all look at me. The woman with blonde hair said, "Not right now un."

"Okay ma'am," within that instant, your reply was given some shocked faces and the rude one started laughing. A question mark was written abovebyour head. You look over to see the blonde's face and obviously pissed. Did I say something wrong?

"You b*tch! I'm a man!" The blonde yelled. When he reached out to you, you saw mouths on his palms. You screamed in response. "You better be afraid!"

Akatsuki Maid (akatsuki x reader)Where stories live. Discover now