Chapter 5

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Previously on Chapter 4

I continue to hug Y/N as she keeps crying on my shoulder. I mean what I said when I said I wanna be the one for her and to be the shoulder she could lean on.... because...

I love her so much...

-Hanging Out With Taehyung-


I woke up in the morning, realizing I'm in the living room. 'Why am I in the living room??' I thought to myself. Then I feel a something wrapped around my waist from behind. I look down to see a pair of arms. Turning my head to see a sleeping Taehyung. What the heck is he doing here??

His eyes flutter open and he looks down at me. I'm kinda expecting that he would freak out as much as me. But instead, he smiles brightly at me. "Morning, jagiya~" he said. "W-wait... what?" I stutter out. He looks at me confused "what? Did I say something wrong? We kissed yesterday... wouldn't that make us a thing now?" He questioned. "Uh..." was the only sound I could make. I'm so speechless right now.

I sit up from the couch and he sits up with me. I scoot away from him a little. "Y/N-ah... what's wrong? I thought you're comfortable enough to be close with me..." he said, placing a hand on mine... which is resting on my lap.

I sigh and turn my hand so the palm is facing upward as I hold his hand. "I am... I am comfortable with you, Taehyung-ah... b-but..." I said. "But?" He questions. "About the whole dating part..." I said, looking at him. "Why? What about it?" He said. "I don't think I'm ready for a relationship yet..." I said. "Oh..." he said. He was silent for a bit that I thought he is angry. Then I feel a finger on my chin, then my head is turned to look at him. "Hey... I understand okay? I'm not going to force you into a relationship with me... we'll take things slow... I understand that you haven't fully trust me yet..." he said, in a very gentle voice. A smile slowly makes it way to my face. "Thank you so much for understanding, Taehyung-ah..." I said. He smiles softly at me and place a soft kiss on my forehead.

"I love you, Y/N-ah... I really do... so much... I will prove to you that I'm different... I'll work hard to gain your trust..." he said. "Taehyung-ah..." I said, shocked by his confession. He smiles softly at me "I promise... I will make you trust me... and when you do... I won't waste that... cause you mean so much to me..." he said. A tear escape my eye and he wipes it away.

Then his stomach starts to grumble. His cheeks turns bright red. "Are you hungry? Want me to cook something for you?" I asks. He shakes his head. "No, it's okay... let's go out instead" he said. I smile and nod my head "let me get ready..." I said. "Okay..." he said. Then I get up and walk towards my room.

Taehyung P.O.V

'Looks like she haven't trust me fully yet...' I thought to myself. But it's okay... I'll just have to try harder to gain her trust. I love Y/N so much and I'll do all I can to gain her trust... because she means everything to me.



Taehyung took me to a cafe that I've never visit before. I ordered some f/f and it taste delicious. After we are done eating, he asks if I still want to spend some time with him. Since I've got nothing to do, I agree to his invitation. Now we're just walking around the town as we talk. It has been a while for me to actually open up to someone. Ever since that incident... I always feel very anxious to be around anyone.

As I walk side by side with Taehyung, I notice how his hand is inching closer to mine. Then his hand starts to hold mine, which starts with his pinky, ring finger, middle finger, until his whole hand is on mine. At first I don't know how to react. But then I just decide to let him hold my hand. Which makes his grin grows bigger. A small smile then appears on mine.

He stops walking and turns to me. He looks like he wants to say something, but he seems to be holding back. "Is there anything you want to say to me?" I asks. "I... I really wanna kiss you... b-but... I don't want you to feel uncomfortable and pressured with me..." he said, looking down. I smile and leans up... I place a soft kiss on his lips. He tensed, most likely because he didn't expect me to kiss him. But then he relax and wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me closer to him. I tilt my head slightly to deepen the kiss. My hands makes it way to his hair as I softly caress it.

Soon we have to pull away for air. He stare deeply into my eyes and smile. He leans his forehead against mine. "Y/N-ah... please be mine... I won't hurt you... I swear on my life... just give me a chance to prove it to you... pleasee..." he said, pleadingly. I open my lips, but I can't say anything. "Please, Y/N-ah..." he pleads once more. I let out a breath I didn't even realize I was holding and slowly nod my head.

"For you... I don't mind being hurt... I will try to trust you, Taehyung-ah..." I said. He smiles happily "so you'll be my girlfriend, right??" He said. I smile softly at him. "Yeah... I'll be your girlfriend" I said. He pulls away and start to do a victory dance. Then he pulls me into a tight hug. "You won't regret it... I promise you that, Y/N-ah... I'll make you happy..." he said. I just smile as I nod my head, leaning closer into his chest. "I love you, Y/N-ah..." he said. "I love you too, Taehyung..." I said. Then he walks me home and he went home.

Love, huh? I hope I won't regret giving him this chance..

*to be continued*

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