Chapter 19

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Previously on Chapter 18

The whole ride to the hospital I keep crying hard. I clutch my head tightly. Jimin-Hyung and Hoseok-Hyung on either side of me, trying to calm me down. But I can't calm down, not when I know Y/N is in the hospital and I don't know how she is.

Y/N-ah... I'm so sorry... please be okay... don't leave me... I love you so much

-I'm So Sorry... Please-

Taehyung P.O.V

We finally reach the hospital. The place is crowded. I think it's Cherries. As soon as we exited the van, we got crowded by the fans and reporters.

"What happened?" "Are you in a fight with Y/N?" "I heard Y/N left your place while crying... did you got into an argument with her?" And a lot more. I look around as I try to walk through the crowd. I need to get to her. But the crowd isn't letting me. I start to breathe heavily as I can feel myself slowly losing my my composure.

I burst into tears right then and there. I crouch down and begin to cry harder. The crowd suddenly became silent. But I don't give a mind to them. All I could think of is how Y/N is... how is she? Is she going to be okay... or is she going to- no! I can't think like that... I don't wanna lose her. Gosh I'm so stupid! I shouldn't have let it out on her... I should have try to be more understanding... and trust her more.

My whole body starts shaking violently as I cried even harder. "Hyung..." I heard someone said and an arm draped around me. I know it's Jungkook, cause he's the only one in this group younger than me.

"Guys guys guys... please give us some space... we need to check on Y/N. Taehyung here is having a hard time... please... I beg for your understanding" I heard Namjoon-Hyung said. Then I feel someone's hand on my shoulder. "Come on, Tae-ah..." it's Jin-Hyung's voice. Slowly I stand up and the crowd let us through. 

We ask the nurse where Y/N is and she said Y/N is in the surgery room, under an ongoing surgery. We quickly make our way there.

When we get there, I place my hands on the door as I lean my forehead against it. "Y/N-ah... please... I-I'm so sorry... p-please don't leave me, Y/N-ah... I'll lose myself if I-I have to lose you... I love you so much..." I cried out.

"Taehyung-ah... come on... you need to sit down..." I heard someone said, then a hand on my shoulder. I turn my head to see Jimin-Hyung. I shake his hand off of my shoulder. "Please don't touch me right now, Hyung... I'm not in the mood..." I said. "Taehyung-ah..." he start. "Shut up! This is all my fault... if I... if I j-just to u-understand her more... if I'm not so e-easily get jealous... none of this would have happen! I-It's m-my fault... IT'S MY F*CKING FAULT!!!" I scream. 

I drop on my knees and start crying even more. "Y/N-ah..." I cried out. Jimin-Hyung kneel in front of me and hugs me tightly. "Tae-ah... stop it... don't blame yourself..." he said. "B-but it's t-true, Hyung. She won't end up here if I just understand her more and don't accuse her of cheating on me, when I know she loves me as much as I do..." I cried out on his shoulder. I clutch his shirt tightly as I continue to cry.

The light above the door turns off, letting me know that the surgery is over. Not long after that, the door opens and the doctor walks out. He have a worried look on his face. His expression makes me expect the worse.

I stand up and walk towards him. "H-how is s-she?" I stutter out. "We manage to help her through her critical condition... but..." he stops. "But what, Doc? T-tell me..." I said. "She hits her head hard during the accident... this cause her to have a slight damage on her brain... now she's in a coma... and there's 70% chances that when she wakes up later.... she'll have no memory..." he said. I can feel my whole world crumbling into pieces.

"No... Y/N-ah..." I cried out. I clutch my head in my fists tightly as I start to hyperventilating. "Tae! Hey, calm down... Tae-ah!" I heard someone said. Hands on my shoulder, shaking me to try and wake me up from my daze. But it didn't do anything. Then all I could see is black as I passed out.


I open my eyes to see all white. 'Thank goodness it's only a nightmare...' I thought to myself. But when I look around, I realize that I'm laying on hospital bed.

Someone enters the room. I turn my head to see the members. Jungkook is the first to notice that I'm up. "Hyung!" He exclaim. The others got startled by his outburst and look at me. "Taehyung! You're awake!" Hoseok-Hyung said. They run towards me and hugs me.

"Y/N... where is she? She's okay, right? It was only a nightmare..." I said. But the look on their face told me otherwise. I shake my head "no..." I cried. "Calm down..." Yoongi-Hyung said. "How can you tell me to calm?! Y/N is in a coma... and when she wakes up, she might not remember me!" I scream at him. My whole face turns side-ways and a tingling sensation on my right cheek. That's when I realize Yoongi-Hyung have slapped me. I look at him wide-eyed.

"Get a hold of yourself! How do you think she will be knowing how hard you're taking it on yourself?! She will be very upset, Taehyung-ah... you have to act strong for her... be there for her... support her like you always have! Don't act like this..." he yells at me. "H-hyung..." I stutter out. "He's right Tae..." Hoseok-Hyung said. I just nod my head, speechless.

I have to act strong for Y/N... if I lose hope... then how will she make it through her coma

*to be continued*

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