Chapter 14

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Previously on Chapter 13

I head to the shower to freshen myself. Then change my clothes into my pajamas. Then I flop myself to the bed. I close my eyes, slowly drift off to sleep with a happy smile on my face and a happy feeling inside my heart... and it's all because I have an amazing boyfriend like Taehyung and I got my sister back. Things could finally be back to normal.

And I couldn't be more glad...

-The Talent Show-


The sound of alarm woke me up from my deep sleep. I take my phone and check what date it is. Then I realize it's going to be the day we perform. By we... I meant the chosen people. I am so nervous.

To be honest... I've always wanted to be a singer. An idol. So this could be my chance. With that in mind, I make sure to train hard to ensure I will be one of the chosen to be a trainee.

I walk towards the front door to open it after I heard someone knocking, to see Taehyung and the others. "Hi Tae... hey guys..." I said. Taehyung walks closer to me and pulls me into a hug. He smiles, leaning his forehead against mine. "Hey, jagiya..." he said. Then he place a soft kiss on my lips.

"Guys! Really?? You have to do that in front of us??" I heard one of them yells out. I pull away from the kiss. We turn to them and Taehyung just kept his arm around my shoulder, pulling me closer to him. "You're just jealous, Jiminie. You need to find a girl then... so you won't feel jealous..." he said, smirking slightly at Jimin who's the one yelling. "Yah! I'm older then you... you need to address me as Hyung" Jimin said. Taehyung just rolls his eyes "whatever, Jimin..." he said. I nudge his rib softly. "be nice to him, Taehyung-ah... he's older than you..." I said. He looks at me and smile, pecking my forehead softly. "Alright Jagiya... sorry, Jimin-Hyung..." he said.

"Wow... only Y/N can do that... she must have a lot of affect on our Taehyungie..." Jin said. "Yeah of course... she's my girl after all..." Taehyung said. I just giggle at him.

"So... Y/N... are you ready for today?" Hoseok asks. I turn to him and smile nervously. "Not really... I'm still very nervous about being in a crowd..." I said, rubbing my hands together, the things I've always done whenever I felt nervous and anxious. Taehyung hugs my side, I turn to look at him. "You know you don't have to be... you're very talented... it's going to be okay, jagiya..." he said, reassuringly. I let out a soft sigh and nod my head "okay, Tae... I'll try not to be..." I said softly. "That's my girl..." he said grinning at me.

"Let's head there now then... we don't wanna be late. It's not a good impression... and the fact that Bang PD will be there... we have to make sure we made a good impression..." I said. They nod their heads in agreement. "Yeah... she's right... let's get going now" Jungkook said, agreeing with me. The others agrees and we start making our way to the studio where the show will be held.


We're just waiting for our turn. I just take a seat in one of the available seats in front of the stage. "Okay! Next performance... will be BTS" the MC said. BTS is the name of group Taehyung and the others have made. They agree to just form a group, while I will be performing solo.

Taehyung smiles at me and place a soft kiss on my forehead. "Wish me luck, Jagiya..." he said. I nod my head "of course, Tae..." I said. He stands up, and the others follows him. They walk up the stage and face us. They get into position and signal the DJ that they are ready. Soon the song is playing.

They all sings and dances in perfect sync. I have a big smile on my face as I watch their performance. I'm so proud of my boyfriend and friends. They've such an amazing talent. I'm 100% sure they will be accepted as a trainee.

Their performance ended and they bow at us. The crowd starts to give a big round of applause. I make sure that I'm the one clapping louder than everybody else. Then they went of stage.

"Alright... last performance... performing solo... L/N Y/N!!!" The MC said. 'This is it... it's my turn now...' I thought to myself. Taehyung gives my hand a light squeeze. I turn to him and smile. He smiles back and peck my lips. "You can do it, Jagiya... I have faith in you..." he said. "Thank you Tae..." I said. Then I take a deep breath and turn around. I walk up the stage. I turn to the DJ and nod my head. "Okay... I'm ready" I said. The DJ nods his head and starts playing the music.

As soon as the music begins, my nervousness melts away as I let the music guides me. I start to dance and sing.

(Yeji from ITZY. She's my bias)

I ignore all the stares the crowd gave me and focus on myself. I dance along the music. My moves and the song matches perfectly, making my confidence rise.

I perform a split at the end of the song. I breathe heavily from exhaustion, but mostly excitement. I stand up and bow towards the crowd. Taehyung stands up on his seat as he starts cheering loudly. "That's my girl right there! You're amazing, Jagiya!" He screams. I can feel my cheeks turns deep red, both from the heat and flustered.

I walk off the stage and back towards my seat. Tae hugs me tightly. "Too tight..." I gasped out. He let out a chuckle and loosen his grip.

Now it's time for the announcement. It's Bang PD himself that will announce. "So... Upon watching all the performance... I think it's clear who's going to be accepted on my agency..." he said.

Sana P.O.V

I'm positive it'll be me. That little b*tch don't stand a chance. Her performance is hideous. She won't make it through.


Whether I make it through or not, it didn't matter. As long as I get to have some fun. Even though I'll do anything to be an idol, it has been my biggest dream to be one.

"From the group candidate... BTS!!" He said. Tae and the others starts cheering and hugging each other. "We got in! We got in!!!" They cheer happily. Taehyung pulls away from them and hugs me. "I got in, jagi!!!" He said. Then he pulls away from the hug "I'm sure it'll be you..." he said. I just smile at him. "Whether I got in or not... it doesn't matter... I had fun... THAT'S what matters..." I said. He grins "even so... I still believe it'll be you..." he said again, pulling me into another hug.

"Now for the solo performance... I choose..." Bang PD starts. Taehyung leans forward and wait for him to continue.

"L/N Y/N!!!!" He yells out. My eyes widened as I sit there in disbelieve. I stand up and point at myself. "M-me? I-I got in??" I stutter out. Taehyung stands up with me and picks me up, he starts spinning us around. "Yayyy~ my jagi got in!!!" He screams. I let out a squeal in delight. I can believe it... I got in! It's happening. I'm one step closer to achieve my dream.

I'm going to be an idol...

*to be continued*

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