Chapter 27

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Previously on Chapter 26

Thankfully he trust me. I turn head and my eyes is met with Lucas's. He smirks at me and winks again. I roll my eyes and turns my attention back on stage.

Lucas P.O.V

Just you wait, L/N Y/N... you're going to be mine... I'll make sure of that

-You'd Better of With Me-


After the award show, we went to a restaurant to celebrate our win. I sit next to Taehyung. His arm is wrapped around my shoulder. I lean my head on his, as I stare out the window.

My mind drift off to Lucas and how he stares at me. The look on his face, I have a strong feeling that he's planning something. Back at school, he's known to be the bad guy. He's willing to do anything to get what he wants. But now... I'm the one he wants and I know he'll go as far as hurt Taehyung and the others if I refuse to be with him. What should I do?

Taehyung P.O.V

She thinks I don't know. Something is bothering her mind, and she's keeping it from me. But Y/N isn't the type of person who can hide emotion really well. Ever since I manage to get her out of her shell, it is a lot easier for me to actually understand her. Now I can easily know that something is wrong with her.

We finally reach the restaurant. I pull my hand away from her and exit the car. Then I offer my hand to her. She place her hand on top of mine. Then we walk inside the restaurant hand in hand.

We make our way to the VIP room, because we don't want to be crowded by too much people. We want this celebration to be more private.

I pull the chair for Y/N for her to sit. She smiles at me and I push the chair gently, after she sits down. Then I take a sit next to her. I scoot my chair closer to her so I can wrap my arm around her shoulder.

The waitress enters the room. Then we start to order our food. Y/N of course, orders F/F... which is her absolute favorite. We start chatting as we wait for our food to come. But Y/N is silent throughout the conversation. That's just confirms my thought. But I don't say anything, I don't want to ruin the moment for the others. So I just stay silent... but I'm going to ask her once we're back home.

The waitress came back with a trolly, which is filled with our orders. We say a quick prayer and start to eat our meal. I glance at Y/N once in a while, but she stays silent and she barely touch her food.

I raise my hand and place it on her head. I caress it softly. "Jagi..." I said. She turns to me "yeah?" She said. "Is everything okay?" I asks. "Yeah... of course. Everything's fine..." she said, smiling at me. "Are you sure, Y/N-ah? You're awfully silent the whole time" her sister said. She nods her head, still smiling. S/N-Noona nods her head, believing what she said. But not me... I know something is wrong.


We're now back at our dorm. Our manager agrees to let us share a dorm, since it's big enough to fit all of us. Y/N and I of course shares a room.

Everyone is in their room, doing their business. Y/N is laying next to me, with her head on my chest. My arm around her waist, holding her protectively. She's silent, but I know she's not sleeping.

I tightened my hold around her, making her snuggle more into me. I place a soft kiss on the side of her head. "Jagi..." I whispers softly. "Hm?" She respond. "I know something is bothering you... do you want to talk about it?" I said.


At some times... I'm really glad to have Taehyung in my life. He's really caring for me. But times like this, I kinda hate it... because Taehyung is very observant when it comes to me. As much as I try to hide it... he will always find a way to figure out. He always knew if something is bothering me. That kinda sucks... I don't want to bother him with my problem... he have his own problem. Especially a problem like this.... I don't want to get him into trouble. But I know I can't hide it forever.

"Jagi..." he said again. He place his hand under my chin and tilt it upward, so I'm looking straight into his eyes. His doe eyes that held so much love and adoration towards me. I can stare into them forever.

"Everything is fine, Tae-Oppa... don't worry..." I said, smiling at him softly. He frowns and cups my cheek. "I know you're lying, Jagi... you've been silent all night... please tell me... I thought you trusted me..." he said. I just bury my head into the crook of his neck.

"I'm tired, Oppa... let's get some sleep..." I said. He let out a sigh, but tightens his hold around me. Being in his arm always give me the sense of comfort and safety. But how long will it last, until Lucas try to split us up. Soon or later he will... I know he will. He's probably skimming a plan right now.

"Alright... as you wish... but please tell me... I really want to help you... it hurts me to know that you're feeling stressed over something... but I can't do a thing to help you. So please let me in, Jagi... don't hide from me..." he said softly. I let out a soft sigh and nod my head. Eventually he'd know. Soon or later I would have to tell him. There's no hiding from him. He will find out one way or another. So it will be better if he knows from me and not from other. That will only cause problem between us... and that is the last thing I need... because the last time it did happened... Tae and I got into a big argument which leads to me having a car accident and I got into a coma for a few months.

"Okay, Oppa... I'll tell you when I'm ready... just can you do me a favor?" I asks, pulling away from his neck to look at him. He smiles at me and nod his head. "Anything..." he said. "Whatever happens... whatever you read from the media... don't trust it, okay?" I said. "I promise, jagiya... I'll trust you more than anything..." he said. "Thanks Oppa..." I said. He smiles brightly and leans in to place a soft kiss on my lips. I wrap my arms around his neck and deepens the kiss.

He pulls away only to place another soft kiss on my forehead. Then he slides down and leans his head on my chest. I caress his hair softly. Soon enough his breathing evened out, letting me know that he have fallen asleep. I place a soft kiss on his head.

Oppa... I don't want you to get hurt... but I don't want to leave you either... what should I do?

*to be continued*

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