Chapter 8

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Previously on Chapter 7

I give in and wear it, because he keeps pouting at me. I couldn't say no! He looks so cute!! For the first time in such a long years... I finally felt happy... and thats all because I have Taehyung with me... makes me wonder...

How would my life be without him...

-You Have to Trust Me-


Taehyung wakes me up, by his constant knocking. I slowly open my eyes and walks to the front door to open it for him. "What are you doing? It's still so early..." I said. "Early? Jagi... look at the time..." he said, showing me his phone. My eyes widened at the time. "Shit! I'm going to be late... you go on a head, Tae... I don't want you to be late..." I said. "Nope... if you're going to be late... I'll be late with you too" he said, entering my apartment. I have no time to argue with him. So I just run to my room and get ready for school.

Luckily... we manage to get to school in time. I walk to my seat and pant softly. Taehyung chuckles and went to stand by my desk.

He leans his hand on my desk and looks down at me. "Why did you wake up so late today? This isn't like you... usually you're the one that woke me up...." he said. I respond with a shrug "I don't know... for some reason... I just can't sleep..." I said. He hummed in respond. "The next time you couldn't sleep... you should call me... I can help you... maybe sing you to sleep" he said. I nod my head as I smile at him. He's so caring... I'm so lucky to have him in my life.

The bell rings as a sign the first lesson is going to begin. Taehyung smiles softly at me and leans down, placing a soft kiss on my forehead. I blush a deep shade of pink and he chuckles. Then he went to his seat and take a sit.


Taehyung P.O.V

Me and Y/N is walking to the cafeteria as it is now lunch time. I held her hand gently. Then I feel my phone vibrates in my pocket.

I take it out and look at the notification. I roll my eyes when I know who it is. "Who is it, Tae?" I heard Y/N asks. I turn to her and stuff my phone back in my pocket. "No body important..." I said. Then I feel another vibrate, I let out a frustrated sigh.

"Y/N... go on ahead to the cafeteria without me... I have something to do..." I said. "Oh... okay..." she said. Since I still have her hand in mine, I pull her closer, wrapping her arm around my waist. I give her lips a soft peck and let her go. Then I watch as she walks towards the cafeteria.

I let out a sigh, then I turn and walk towards where that annoying girl wants me to go. She keeps trying to get me to like her, ever since I got into this school. Which is VERY annoying I must say.

I reach the garden and see her sitting on one of the bench. "What do you want?" I asks, when I stand in front of her. She looks up and her eyes lit up at the sight of me. "Oppa! You came!!" She squeal, which makes me scrunch up my nose in disgust. "Don't call me oppa... just tell me what do you want!" I demand. "I want you... what else?" She said in a flirty tone as she walks up to me, placing her hand on my chest seductively. I swat her hand away from me. "Don't touch me! And I'm sure you know that I already have a girlfriend" I said, coldly. Her face turns from flirty to annoyed, but I couldn't careless.

"What's so great about her anyway? What did she have that I don't??" She said. "EVERYTHING... her kindness... her manner... her softness... her patience and a lot more!" I said. She looks even more angry now, but I ignore that... I just want to spend some time with my baby... my lovely Y/N.

"Is that all you wish to say?" I asks. She didn't say anything, she just looks at me with an annoyed face. I let out a sigh "alright... looks like my problem here is done... so I'll just go now..." I said, turning around as I begin to walk away.

"Break up with her or I'll hurt her!" She said. I stop dead on my track as I turn around. I glare at her. "You are such a desperate, b*tch! Why can't you just see that I have no interest in you! Not even a bit!!" I yell at her. I walk towards her and glare down at her. "Touch her and you'll regret it..." I spat. Out of no where, she pulls me into a kiss.

I heard gasp coming from behind me. I quickly push her away and turn around. My mouth went dry when I realize who it is. Y/N is standing there with tears clouding her eyes.

"Y-Y/N... I s-swear... it's n-not what it looks like..." I said as I try to walk towards her. She raise a hand as a signal for me to stop. Tears starts to stream down her cheeks. "I-I really thought you were different, Tae... I r-really t-thought I c-could trust you... my mistake! You are no different from those guys... I HATE you!!" She cried and turn to run. "Y/N!!" I scream and begin to run after her. But the b*tch holds me back. "Just let her be! You'd better of with me anyway..." she said. I yank my hand away from hers.

"If you're twin with a pig... I'd rather be with the pig than you... if something happens to my girlfriend... I will make you regret to even being born!" I spat at her. Then I took off running to where Y/N have run off to.

Y/N please be okay... don't do anything stupid... please... I love you so much, Y/N-ah

*to be continued*

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