Chapter 10

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Previously on Chapter 9

For all I know... Sana hates me. She's been trying so hard to get rid of me... and I know that she have a crush on Taehyung. So it only made sense that she would try to make a move on him.

But can I really trust him?



I open my eyes the next morning. I sit up and rub my neck softly. My throat hurts... probably because of all the screaming I did yesterday.

I heard someone knocking on the door. I slowly get up and head there. I open the door to see Taehyung. "Morning, jagi..." he said. "M-morning..." I said, my voice is hoarse. He looks concern "what's wrong to your voice, Y/N-ah?" He asks. "You know why..." I said. "Oh..." was all he let out. He sighs and pulls me into a hug.

"I'm so sorry... because of me... you got sick... I don't mean to hurt you, Y/N-ah... you need to trust me... I love you and only you... she's the one pulls me into a kiss... I didn't kiss her back, I swear on my life" he said. I just nod my head, leaning my head on his chest.

He pulls away and place a hand on my forehead. His eyes widened "you're burning up!" He exclaim. Then he picks me up, bridal style. Then he make my way up to my room.

He gently lay me down on my bed and cover me with my blanket. Then he head to the bathroom and come back with a bucket of water and a towel. "Tae... you need to go to school..." I said. "Don't speak, Y/N-ah.. you need to rest your voice... and no... I'm not going to school today... I'll stay here and look after you... do not argue with me and get some rest... I'll tell Jin-Hyung to talk to the teacher" he said. I stay silent. He won't let me argue with him. So I better save my energy... not that I have any... I feel so weak right now.

He dips the towel to the bucket of water. Then he rinse it, gently placing it on my forehead. He gently holds my hand. "Why did this have to happened... I am so sorry, Y/N-ah..." he said. I shake my head. "It is okay, Taehyung-ah... I'm sorry for not believing you..." I said. He shakes his head, caressing my head with his free hand. "Shh... don't speak too much..." he said, leaning down to place a soft kiss on my lips.

I gently push him off me. "Don't kiss me while I'm sick... you'll catch it..." I said. He smiles and lifts the towel on my forehead so he could place a soft kiss. "I don't care..." he said. "But I care..." I said. He let out a chuckles. "Alright... alright... rest now... I'll go and buy you some medicine... I'll be back..." he said. I nod my head and close my eyes.


I wake up from someone shaking me softly. I open my eyes to see Taehyung looking down at me with a soft smile. "Hey, jagi... how do you feel?" He said. I smile at him. "A lot better now... thanks for taking care of me..." I said, my voice is a lot steadier now.

He stands up and went to the dressing table. He picks up a bowl. Then he walks over to me. "I made you some soup... to ease your throat..." he said. I reach out to take the bowl, but he pulls it away from me. "Let me..." he said, wanting to feed me. "But.." I start, but he just pouts at me. I let out a sigh and open my mouth. He beams and starts feeding me.

After I'm done eating. Taehyung gives me medicine. "Here... take your medicine... so you'll feel a lot better" he said. I take the pill out of his hand and insert it into my mouth. He hands me a glass of water and I drink it, swallowing the pill.

I lean my back against the headboard of my bed. He climbs in the bed, then he wraps an arm around my shoulder. I scoot closer to him, placing my head on his shoulder. He caress my head softly, as he starts humming softly. I can feel a soft kiss on the side of my head.

Then I heard someone knocking. "Who could that be?" I question. Other than Taehyung, no one knows where I lived. "Must be the boys... they asks me your address... sorry about that..." he said, looking at me apologetically. "It's fine... I've consider them as my friends..." I said, smiling at him. He looks relieved, then he moves to get up. "I'll go and open the door for them" he said. I nod my head and he walks out of my room.

He comes back a while later with 6 boys trailing behind him. Each of them gives me a smile. I smile back at them. "So... how are you feeling, Y/N?" Jin asks. "I'm feeling okay... thanks for Taehyung who took care of me..." I said, smiling at Taehyung. He smiles back and climbs back to the bed, wrapping his arm around my shoulder once again.

Hoseok nod and smiles. "That's good to know... we head straight to your house after school..." he said. "Why?" I asks. "Well... you're our friend... so we're worried about your condition..." Namjoon said. I just smile at them. "Thanks for caring, guys... and Uh... I'm sorry for what happened yesterday... you know... running away..." I said. "Yeah... don't think about it... we'll take care of Sana later on... don't worry... she won't bother you no more..." Jimin said. "What are you planning to do to her?" I asks. "You don't need to know... don't worry about that... we have it under control..." Jungkook said. I just nod my head, accepting to the fact that they are not going to tell me their plan.

So... this is what it's like to have real friends... but how long will this stay?

*to be continued*

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