Chapter 13

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A/N: Just got back from dinner, with my family. It's going to be Chinese New Year tomorrow. It's been a tradition for us to go to dinner. So I tried putting the make up I've learned from last trip to Malaysia into action. Hihihi~


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Now let's go to the story!!!

Previously on Chapter 12

"You got in Jagiya! You got in!!!" Taehyung screams as he hugs me tightly. "You may leave the room... and prepare yourself for the big upcoming event... the talent show... where you could be chosen to be a trainee.. good luck!" The MC said.

Is this how my life will be? If I got chosen... then I'll be an idol... hmmm... I wonder how it'll be

-My Sister's Recovery-


I woke up early, for my daily visit at the hospital for my sister. I make her favorite meal before hand. Then I head to the bathroom and start preparing myself for the day.

Once I'm done, I just change my clothes into a comfy and casual one. Since it's kinda cold outside. Then I grab my purse and head to the front door. I jump in fright when I open the door.

"Oh hey, Taehyung-ah..." I said. He looks at me up and down. "Are you planning to go somewhere?" He asks. "Oh yeah... I'm going to the hospital... where my sister is at..." I said. "Can I come? I would like to meet your younger sister" He asks. "Actually... she's the older one..." I said. He looks confused "but you called her lil sis..." he said. "Yeah... her illness made her thinks she's younger than me. One time I called her eonnie and she flips at me... and... I'm sorry but you can't come..." I said. "Why not?" He asks again. I let out a sigh. "Tae... the reason she's in there in the first place is because of guys... her boyfriend cheated on her after he took advantage of her... and assaulted her... so in her current condition. It's best if she stays away from guys..." I said. "Can I just watch you from a far?" He asks again. "Um... okay... but please don't try to approach us... I don't want my sister to freak out..." I said. "Alright... I got it..." He said. "Okay... lets go then..." I said. I step out and lock the door behind me.

Taehyung held my hand as we make our way to the hospital. We talk as we walk, and he would make jokes here and there. I laugh at his silly jokes.

It didn't take long for us to get there. I walk towards my sister room, as pass the waiting area on our way there. Then I turn to Taehyung. "Tae.... can you just wait here?" I asks. He nods his head at me "yeah... sure, jagiya..." He said, smiling at me. I smile back and kiss his cheek, then I make my way to my sister's room.

I open the door to her room. "Y/N!" She said. She makes her way to me and pulls me into a hug. I hug her back "hey, Sis..." I said. She pulls away from the hug and smack me in the head. "Ouch! Why'd you hit me??" I asks, holding my head. "Who are you calling sis? I'm older than you" she said. My eyes widened hearing what she said. "Eonnie!!!" I yell out, hugging her tightly. "You remembered!!" I said happily. "Of course I remember, you silly girl... I'm so sorry for all the trouble I've caused you, Y/N..." she said.

I pull away and look at her. "So... are you okay now?" I asks. She smiles brightly at me. "Yupp! I'm okay... perfectly okay!" She said. I can feel starts streaming down my cheeks. "I'm so happy... I missed you so much, Eonnie..." I said, hugging her tightly whilst crying into her shoulder. "Shh... I'm okay now, baby sis..." she said.

Then she pulls away. She looks at me with a smile, but it looks suspicious. "So... any boy caught your attention?" She asks. I blush as my mind instantly went to Taehyung. When she starts smirking, I know that my cheeks are probably red now. "Hm... You're blushing... I'll take that as a yes..." she said. "Hmm... honestly... yes... yes there is..." I said. She squeals at me. "Can I meet him?! Is he a jerk? Because if he is... I'll give him a good beating" she said, flexing her fists at me. I smile, she's really back... I finally got my sister back.

Back in the day when everything was okay. S/N-Eonnie and I took martial art class together. We are known for our vicious attitude. So no one dared to mess with us. Well... except for that asshole ex of hers. But whatever, all I care is having my sister back. That's what matters to me the most.

"So? You haven't answer my question... Can I meet your boyfriend?" She asks once again. "Oh right... I'll go and call him..." I said. "Oh he's here? Why didn't you ask him to come here earlier?" She asks, looking a little surprise. "Well... I didn't know you're better... and the last time a boy tried to approach you... you start freaking out... so... yeah..." I said. "Okay.... call him then..." she said. I nod my head and turn around to get out of the room.

Taehyung is sitting on one of the seats. He's looking down at his phone, not noticing me who's standing in front of him. I walk up to him. "Tae..." I said. He instantly looks up at me upon hearing my voice. "Oh are you done?" He asks. I shake my head "no... she asked for you..." I said. "Wait... what? I thought..." he said, looking all confused. "Yeah I know... but she got better now... she remembers everything now. So it's okay for you to approach her..." I said. "Oh... let's go see your sister then..." he said, getting up. I nod my head and hold his hand. Then we walk back to my sister's room.

I open the door. She looks up at me, then at Tae. She stands up and walks up to us. "So... I'm guessing you are my sister's boyfriend?" She said. Taehyung just nod his head slowly. "Hmm... alright then... but you have to remember one thing... if you DARE to hurt my sister... I WILL make you suffer" she said in a scary tone. Taehyung flinch and move to hide behind me. "Your sister is scary, jagiya..." he whimpers. This makes me and my sister laugh. He starts to laugh. But his laugh sounded awkward.

The doctor told us that my sister has completely recovered. But she needs to stay here for a couple more days, to ensure that she's really okay. It's starting to get pretty late. So I hug my sister and leave the hospital with Taehyung. I can't stop smiling, knowing that my sister is back to the way she was.

Taehyung walks me back to my home. I stand by the door and turn to face him. I give him a soft smile. I hug him softly. "Thank you for accompanying me today, Tae..." I said. He hugs me back and caress my hair softly. "Anything for you, Jagiya..." he said. I pull back slightly and he did the same. He cups my cheeks and leans in to place a soft kiss on my lips. I close my eyes, slowly kissing him back.

After a while, we have to pull away for air. He leans his forehead against mine, hands still on my cheeks. "I love you, jagiya... so much..." he said in a soft tone. I smile at him. "I love you too, Tae Oppa..." I said. He grins at me. "Finally~ you called me Oppa" he said happily. Then he pecks my forehead "have a good night sleep, jagi..." he said. Then he turns to leave my house. I smile and turn to enter my house.

I head to the shower to freshen myself. Then change my clothes into my pajamas. Then I flop myself to the bed. I close my eyes, slowly drift off to sleep with a happy smile on my face and a happy feeling inside my heart... and it's all because I have an amazing boyfriend like Taehyung and I got my sister back. Things could finally be back to normal.

And I couldn't be more glad...

*to be continued*

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