Chapter 17

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She thought Oikawa would leave eventually but he followed her... and followed her... and followed her. God when was he going to leave?!

She was planning on sulking with ice cream but if she did that Oikawa would just make fun of her.

"So are you coming home with me?", Mina lost her cool.

"Eh Mina~ is that an invitation?", Oikawa smirked and Mina blushed god how does she get rid of him?!

"Shut up you disgusting dude" Mina said on instinct however Oikawa looked a bit like he got hit by a truck.

"D-disgusting... is that how you see me?" He sounded like he almost dreaded the answer yet he still pried.

"Well... Oikawa... you've kinda dated around a lot and you... cheat", It was said slowly but with disappointment. He had to be the most despicable guy ever. She shook her head, thinking about all the innocent hearts he must have broken.

"I CAN CHANGE!" He suddenly shouted surprising Mina.

"Habits don't die overnight" she bluntly said.

"They can! You don't know this Mina but it's been a week since I broke up with my last girlfriend!" He proudly declared and Mina looked at him as if she saw dirt on her new Gucci's.

"Congratulations...", she dryly said. She remembered another memory a more dark and unwanted one. Where girls would pick on her and call her obscene names like 'Oikawa's mistress' or 'obsessive fangirl' okay maybe the last one wasn't too bad but still, it hurt. She shrugged it off.

"I feel like you might have a child wandering around somewhere Oikawa", she recalled how one time in middle school he dated 20 girls within a span of a week.

"No way Mina, don't say such scary stuff", Oikawa shivered.

She was at her house before she knew it and turned to tell Oikawa to get lost but he quickly rushed in the house unlocking the door with his own pair of keys. What has my father done!?

Miss Chubby and Mr Perfect (Oikawa x oc)Where stories live. Discover now