Chapter 11

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Iwaizumi always thought girls were strange. I mean eventually he wanted to get married but he couldn't really interact in a satisfying manner with any girl he dated. They'd never understand a thing he said about volleyball and were never willing to learn. They'd just say 'make sure to get a few hits'.

He only really met one girl who he could converse with nicely... but.

"Iwa-chan what should I do? Mina likes me so- so I shouldn't lead her on", he clutched his head depression seeping of him.

It was so obvious he was overjoyed. It was obvious he liked her! yet, this idiot was well beyond any help. I don't want to help him anyway.

He lay his head on his desk mimicking Oikawa. He felt gloomy. He already knew why.


"Mina! Oikawa hasn't come here today! He came yesterday! What's happening?!", Semi was almost screeching whilst I just smiled with calculating eyes. Oikawa was keeping his distance just as I'd predicted but there was one problem.

Mina clenched her first, her face torn between anguish and pain. She hadn't seen her daily dosage of Iwaizumi.

"Mina that look on your face could it mean", Sakura, her desk mate started to make wild assumptions and Mina threw her a look of disgust which shut her up.

"Iwaizumi hasn't come here", there was a silence in the air one mixed with shock and disbelief. And suddenly a bunch of girls swarmed the unarmed protagonist.

"Wait so you don't like Oikawa!" one girl exclaimed.

"I understand Iwazumi is the best!" another held her hands in comradship.

"So you aren't secretly dating!?" a swarm of question flooded the place and Mina suddenly had trouble breathing. Too close!

Miss Chubby and Mr Perfect (Oikawa x oc)Where stories live. Discover now