Anya and Jynx walked back to the hotel room. Lokan was leaning against the open door frame, looking sad. His expression lifted as he saw them approach.
"Hey Jynx! Because Ice skating was cut short, do you wanna go prank?"
Jynx frowned slightly as him and Anya entered their own door to the hallway. Anya looked at Jynx a moment, a silent conversation going on between them. He turned back to Lokan, putting his hand on the door as Anya walked and closed the connecting door between the rooms.
"Sorry, not today. I would like to spend some time alone with my Mate."
Lokan frowned again, nearly jumping when a hand tapped him on his shoulder.
It was Edit. "Hey, I'm always up for Pranking!"
Lokan turned back to Jynx quickly. "Can we go?!"
Anya had walked back, leaning into Jynx and waiting for them to leave. Jynx reached into one of the pockets, pulling out a wallet. "Sure, whatever. Just don't get into too much trouble okay?" He eyed Edit in particular, handling multiple large bills of cash to Lokan.
"Dont worry about it." Edit lengthened his words, putting his hands out and giving a twisted smile.
Jynx gave him a warning glance, then shut the door, the locking sound following a second later.
"Have fun!" Lokan called through the door.
"We will, Bye!"
All sounds on the other side of the door went silent as a soundproof wall went up.
"Wow, it is really quiet in there now.." Lokan didnt think about it for long. "Welp, let's go!"
The two wolves started walking down the hallway and out of the hotel doors. Lokan couldn't help but smile as he looked over at Edit. He looked almost exactly like Jynx. However, like all twins there were just a few differences that held them apart. Edit felt different. His spirit was not the exact same as Jynx's.
"Hey Edit, can you make a fire appear in your hand?"
Edit smirked. "Yeah, look." He held out his hand as they walked, a fire lighting in his palm. Edit rolled it into a ball, bounced it on the floor then bounced it over to Lokan. "Catch."
Lokan caught it in surprise, it was hot but not enough to burn him. He could hold it easily, bouncing it between his hands. "Hey! This is pretty neat! Can you make more?"
"Course I can." Edit created two more fireballs, one in each hand. He tossed them over to Lokan.
Lokan caught them easily, bouncing them back and forth, then moving into a juggle.
Edit looked impressed, but not too impressed. A moment later he got his own fireballs, changing their colors each time he threw them from his hands. They juggled together as they walked. They stopped when Lokan dropped a fireball and it started burning his shoe.
Lokan batted it out immediately, but it continued to spread anyway until his whole body was covered. He dropped down and rolled. Finding it did nothing he started to panic. "Edit! Help!"
Edit was laughing wildly, the fire jumped back into his hand and disappeared.
"You are fun!"
Lokan slowly stood up, thinking a moment then asking. "Any ideas of fun places we could go?"
Edit focused and an image flickered in Lokan's mind. It was a door with neon lights and music emanating from it. "I found this fun place. I think it's an indoor boardwalk."
"Oooo. Lets go there!"
Following an arrow Edit placed in the air, the two wolves started on their way.It was just like Lokan envisioned. They entered the doors into the fun center, looking at the long lines of carnival games and machines. Edit walked right in, sitting down at a table. Lokan followed.
The Shaddow pointed to a couple: a football-player young man showing off his abilities at a ring toss to a possible cheerleader who was hardly impressed.
His eyes glowed faintly and one of the targets moved ever so slightly.
After hitting his target near every time, now the boy missed every shot. The boy blinked, shook his head and looked at the ring toss again. His date stood behind him. "Well, you were a good shot."
"Am." He looked at her with brown eyes, sandy blonde hair gelled back.
She put her hand on her hip, moving bleach blonde hair out of her face. "What-ever. I am bored of this game. I want to play a different one."
The couple wandered about before finding another throwing game he was sure to win at. Edit made sure he didn't.
Lokan laughed just a litte, and before he could say anything Edit already had a new target.
Before long almost every player at the game room was losing.
Lokan frowned, knowing it was wrong.
"Why dont you ever make them win?"
"It's not as fun."
"It is nicer though."
Edit thought for a moment, then they both heard the cheerleader squeal as they won a massive prize.
"Hey, how about we try some games!"
Edit grinned. "Okay, I can pay!" Edit pulled out a pile of cash that Lokan knew was not real.
Lokan pulled out the actual money. "Well, dont want this to go to waste. I'll pay."
Edit shrugged, not really caring.
So Lokan walked up and presented the cash, recieving a large handfull of tokens. He turned to give some to Edit, but Edit shook his head. "Shaddow, remember?" He reached for the coins but his hand went right through them. "I cant actually hold 'em."
"Woops, Sorry Edit."
"Yeah, whatever, lets go to this one!" Edit led him over to a throwing game where a worker stood present to facilitate.
Lokan was sure with his natural skill he could succeed, but found that even the balls he missed appeared to hit right on target in the eyes of the worker.
They seemed impressed with him, and by the end of the game Lokan was directed to receive a prize.
He looked up at the prize plushies, and selected a unicorn stuffed animal.
Edit gave him an interesting glace as they headed to the next game.
"I can give it to Nate to remind him of our hunts. Inside joke."
They played a few more games, all that Lokan knew he would do good at but all he won by a landslide thanks to Edit. He picked out more prizes, having to hold them in a massive hug and only putting them down for laser tag. He was sure to have fun there.
It was fun, and they slaughtered all the other players, but their score on the ending board was higher than it should have been. They won even more prizes.
Lokan loved winning, but not that much. It wasn't fair if they always cheated.
Holding all his new prizes, Lokan looked at Edit again. "Hey Edit, I don't like cheating that much. Can we just go on some rides instead?"
"Don't see why not."
Lokan squeezed onto a carousel seat with all the stuffed animals. Edit sat tight against the other wall next to him.
"What if I made the conductor think the ride was broken?"
"I.. don't think that would be very fun."
Edit frowned. "What if I made those people in that seat over there see loose screws at their feet?"
"That would be funny, but it isn't very nice."
Edit sighed, looking bored. "You're right."
That ride got over, and they moved to a more active ride that spun.
Lokan was having a blast, then looked over to see Edit was partially submerged into the seat beside him. He was going to go all the way through! While not too many people noticed, one person stared in particular. That was enough.
After the ride was over they both agreed it was time to go.
Lokan held on tight to all of his prizes, and they started their way back to the hotel.
Lokan had to admit, Edit was fun, but perhaps he could be a little reckless. Maybe it was because he didn't have good friends to show him the right way to control his chaos. Lokan smiled to himself as he decided that he was willing to be that friend.
Wolf pack
FantasiaSecond section to Wolf Run. Anu assembles a pack of powerful Phasewolves. They must learn how to work together and, more importantly, learn from their pasts. Follow the pack as they piece together a puzzle that may change the fate of their world...