✔ Part 5 ✔

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"Where. .. . are they?" Robbie asked, looking up at Angus and Shawn before glancing around at the house, furniture items and random decorations lying all over the floor from the disaster that had happened not too long ago. "It.. . not look. .. . nice in here."

"Beats me," Angus said with a shrug of his shoulders, scanning over everything in the room as he slowly walked around, having to kick a few things away from his path as he wandered.

"We leave them so we could take Robbie out for a night and this happens!" Shawn Flynn said, waving his arms around with a frustrated look on his face, the male thinking they would've done something, but didn't deem them to be the kind of people that would disappear out of nowhere.

Angus sighed, rolling his eyes at the fellow Ego, watching as Robbie limped around the living room, "Calm down buddy, Maybe an Iplier would know what happened?"

"Did they not stay here last night?" Shawn asked, picking up a picture of all of the Septic Egos that was now shattered, small pieces of glass littering the floor from its fall.

"Not all of them. Silver Shepherd and Yandere didn't stay, to my knowledge at least," The hunter said, obviously knowing a slight bit more than the toymaker and zombie.

The other Septic Ego hummed, watching as Angus pulled out his phone from his pocket, dialling a number Shawn could only guess was either Yandere or Silver.

"What.. . . Angus.. . doing?" The zombie questioned, now sitting on the floor beside Shawn's feet, looking up at the other two with his indigo coloured eyes.

"I'm calling someone, now stay quiet," Angus said, listening as he heard someone answer the phone. "Ah! Silver Shepherd! Nice to hear from you! I need to ask you something. Do you know where everyone that stayed at our house is?"

"No, I don't. I've been trying to call them all day but I haven't got a response," Came the reply from the hero, the other two only being able to hear a quiet mumble as they weren't close enough to hear what was coming from the phone. "Although, Yandere, Google and King are here."

"Alright, that's okay. Do you know if any of the Sides stayed at their own house?"

"Uhm," Silver Shepherd mumbled, his eyebrows furrowed as he glanced at Yandere who looked back in question. "I think Emile stayed back, but I'm not sure. Yan and I are coming over. We'll help you find them."

"Alright, see you then," The hunter said, receiving a 'goodbye' from the Iplier before he hung up, Angus putting the mobile into his pocket before turning to the other two in the room.

"Are they coming over?" Shawn asked, sighing as Robbie got up and hugged the man's side, the man patting the zombie's head.

"Yea, but I don't know when," Angus replied, crouching down and moving a few things away that were in a pile on the wooden floor. "Emile stayed back as well, they might have gone to get him."

"Wait. . .," Shawn trailed off. "What will happen to Jack, Mark and Thomas's channels and social media? They've disappeared so they can't make videos or upload them right now."

Angus widened his eyes in realisation before he went back to his stoic expression, thinking of an idea they could use, "Uhm, maybe one of us can pretend to be Sean. Emile can try to be Thomas and one of the Iplier's can be Mark?"

"It won't work," Shawn said, ignoring the zombie that was clinging onto his side. "We all have different personalities, and set physical differences, too. Everyone will notice."

"Robbie. .. . miss. . .. Jameson. .. ," Robbie mumbled, hugging tighter onto Shawn who breathed out, not liking the affection much but he had to live with it.

The other two sighed, knowing the zombie and Jameson were very close as Angus finally spoke up again, "You'll see him soon, okay? Don't worry."

That sentence alone made the zombie beam with happiness as both he and Jameson had always got along and been great friends since the two had met each other.

A knock on the door startled the three, Angus walking over to answer the door as Shawn still had Robbie squishing his side in a hug.

The Septiceye opened the door, seeing exactly who he expected it to be as he let Yandere, Silver Shepherd and Emile into the house, the therapist raising both eyebrows in shock at the state the house was in.

"Damn, it looks like a bomb went off in here," Yandere said, looking around in disgust at the mess. "I would never let my room get this messy."

"Yea, you'd just get blood everywhere and leave me to clean it up," Silver Shephard said, resulting in Yandere rolling their eyes.

"Wait," Shawn spoke up, his eyebrows furrowed as he looked at the Ipliers and Emile. "Google, King, Yancy, Magnum and Illinois didn't go either. Where are they?"

"Well," Emile said, speaking up before anyone else could, his arms resting by his sides as he glanced at everyone. "I suggested that Yancy would just lay back for a couple of days. I'm pretty sure Magnum's on his ship in the middle of the ocean and Illinois is probably exploring those caves."

"And Google stayed back with King because Google couldn't be bothered to get off of his ass and help and King doesn't like going anywhere without him," Yandere added, going to sit on the part of the couch that didn't have any objects on it.

Silver Shepherd then noticed the zombie looking down at the ground, having a sad aura around him, Robbie having let Shawn go when the others entered the house.

Silver knew exactly why the zombie was sad, so he knelt down to talk to the Septic, "We'll get them, okay? Me, Yan and Emile will help you. We might even persuade Yancy and Illinois to help. You'll get to see everyone again soon."

The zombie had a small smile on his face as his purple hair flopped around while he nodded, Robbie being a little naive as he would believe anything his friends would tell him.

"What if they aren't on this planet or even this dimension?" Emile said with his eyebrows scrunched together, having thought out every possible outcome at this point. "It's like all of you guys have a dimension of your own. Dark and Anti have their demon world. Jackie and Silver have the dimension which is much like the one in the Avengers movies. Jameson has his old-timey one. I mean, what if they're in one of them?"

"That's a good point seeing that I don't sense Sean here, but how do you suppose we get there. I mean, none of us have powers that would help us get to them," Shawn Flynn spoke, pacing back and forth across the living room floor, everyone apart from Robbie in deep thought.

"Dr Iplier and Schneep have a machine for something like that, don't they? Travelling through dimensions," Yandere said, raising an eyebrow. "I mean, the two do some weird shit down in that underground lab of theirs."

"Yea, but they always keep that place locked," Silver Shepherd interjected with his arms crossed, leaning on the wall beside Robbie. "How will we get in?"

"I have a key," Emile spoke up, he and the doctors being close, so they trusted him with a lot of their secrets. "They gave me one because they trust me. We better get going because this machine you're talking about is miles away."

Angus nodded his head, helping Robbie up as the two started walking towards the door, "Okay, Shawn, Robbie and I will take my jeep. You three take whatever car you drove here with."

Everyone mumbled in agreement, Shawn taking Angus' keys from his pocket and handing them to the hunter after he got into the car, the other three already having their car started.

Angus drove out of the driveway first, the others following behind them as they sped down the road.

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1389 Words

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