✔ Part 8 ✔

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Patton sat on a stool beside the navy haired girl that they still didn't know the name of, the Side feeling like it was his fault the girl had passed out as he was the only one who spoke to her.

The girl had woken up just around ten minutes before now, Patton trying to get the girl to open up to him, which started to seem impossible as she wouldn't even say what her name was.

"Oh, c'mon kiddo, I won't hurt you," Patton said, reaching out for the girl only to have her flinch back.

The dad had a sad look on his face as he brought his hand back towards himself, the girl instantly feeling guilty for making him sad.

"Sin. . .," The girl suddenly said, looking down at the bedsheets of the bed she was sitting on, the Moral Side looking at her with a puzzled look, not really understanding. "My name, its Sin. .. ."

Patton smiled immediately after she said that, feeling happy that he got at least a little bit of information on the girl, even if it were just her name, "Nice to meet you, I'm Patton, but you already know that!"

Sin smiled faintly, still not 100% comfortable with the Side even if he was the one who brought her soup and was constantly being kind despite her ignoring most of the questions or things he said.

"Can you tell me another joke. . .?" She asked quietly, hiding behind her fringe.

"Can do, kiddo!" Patton smiled happily, stopping to think for a second before his smile grew a tiny bit wider. "Okay, what do you call a person with no body and no nose?" Patton asked, the girl in front of him shrugging her shoulder. "Nobody knows!"

The girl cracked a small smile, looking down while giggling quietly, making Patton feel proud of himself, even if it was a simple joke he pulled out of his head.

Patton had been telling a lot of jokes to make her feel better, and they seemed to be working.

"Where are Kenzie and the others?" She asked, looking up at the man, there still being a tinge of uncertainty and distrust laced in her voice.

"Away on a mission to get some equipment from the government building in the city," Patton explained, trying not to move around much as he knew how scared the girl got at any sudden movements.

"But. .. . What if they get caught. . .?" Sin asked, worried about her family as they were the only thing that she had left, the sadness engulfing the girl's eyes making Patton feel sad inside.

"They didn't tell us what would happen if they get caught. They said they didn't want to worry us," Patton said, leaning backwards a tiny bit, trying to make the girl feel comfortable around him. "It's making me even more worried. You can even say that Virgil is on the verge of a mental breakdown because of it."

"I can tell why," Sin said, hugging her arms tightly, knowing Patton had slipped in a little dad joke to try to lighten the mood, and she appreciated it, showing it as she smiled lightly at him. "Why wouldn't they tell me they were doing this?"

"Maybe they didn't want you to worry about them?"

Sin sighed, understanding the male's point.

She also knew how careful they were when doing these types of things, but she couldn't help but over worry, "But. .. . It's just making me even more worried. . .."

Patton smiled sympathetically and rubbed her back, the girl not flinching this time, making the dad smile a bit more than before, "Hey, it'll all be okay. . .. I'm baking cookies now, want some when they're done?"




"How are we supposed to do this?" Mark asked, standing in between Dark and Wilford, Wilford reaching behind his creator to poke Dark in the back to which the demon grabbed Wilford's hand, making the man squeal in surprise, the black-haired YouTuber ignoring the two. "All of us can't go. We'll definitely get caught."

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