✔ Part 29 ✔

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Angus, Silver Shephard and Shawn had exited the store, stopping to stare at the zombie bodies sprawled out on the road in front of them, random groceries they thought they would need were placed in their arms.

"We got the medical stuff, right?" Silver asked, glancing at the two Septics, Shawn nodding his head at the question. "Good."

"Well, we'd better get going now-" Angus started, getting cut off when an explosion erupted from somewhere to their left. "What the hell?"

"What was that?" Shawn asked, staring at the smoke rising from the area the explosion seemed to come from.

"I don't know, but I wanna see what it was," Silver stated, beginning to walk, Angus grabbing onto the heroes upper arm, causing him to stop.

"We can't," Angus stated, looking at the hero as if he was crazy. "There are most likely zombie's already heading in that direction."

"Besides, Emile is still injured," Shawn continued, nodding down the road towards the estate they needed to go to.

"What if someone is there and are hurt?" Silver reasoned, shaking off Angus's grip, the hunter rolling his eyes at the hero. "It shouldn't take that long to check out, anyway."

"Fine," Angus grumbled, gripping onto the groceries he had in his arms. "But where are we gonna put this stuff?"

"Just put them in a bush, somewhere out of sight," Shawn suggested, shrugging his shoulders slightly, the hunter nodding and walking over to a bush, placing the stuff in it, making sure they wouldn't be seen in case there were other people still alive that decided to take them, the other two doing the same.

"Let's go," Silver Shephard ordered, leading the Septics towards the smoke, his curiosity having got the better of him.


"See?" Angus groaned, pointing towards everything. "It's just an old busted up Jeep."

"This was pointless," Shawn sighed agitatedly, rubbing a hand down his face. "The thing must have exploded because of a gas leakage or something."

The hero sighed, turning around and starting to walk back, "You two are right. Let's go and get to the others before we're too late."

The other two nodded, it taking about ten minutes to get back to the bush, picking up their stuff and walking back towards the house Emile, Robbie and Yandere had waited.

"We're back," Shawn grumbled, giving the medical stuff to Angus who knew what to do with this stuff, the Septic immediately going towards Emile who seemed feeble from his sitting position on the floor.

"Anything happen when we were gone?" Silver asked Yandere, the other just shaking his head. "Robbie fell asleep a little while ago and Emile just stopped talking. What if we don't get out of here in time and he turns?"

"Don't think like that," Angus asserted raising an eyebrow at the two before going back to treat Emile's wound, also not knowing what was going to happen, but he knew it was almost too late to do anything useful to help the Side. "We just need to hope for the best."

"Robbie, you're awake," Yandere said, looking over at the purple-haired zombie as soon as he saw movement.

"Robbie. .. Feel different. .. ," Robbie said, looking down at the ground, his eyebrows furrowed together. "Robbie. .. Know where.. . Jack is. .. ."

"Wait, what?" Shawn asked in disbelief, his eyes wide as he stared at his zombie friend, walking up to him afterwards. "How do you know where he is?"

"Robbie can. .. . feel him..," Robbie whispered, fiddling with his hands. "Jack is.. . here. .. somewhere. .. ."

"So, you can somehow tell that Jack is here in this world with us?" Silver asked, Robbie slowly nodding his head in response.

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