✔ Part 25 ✔

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"Is he okay?" Logan asked from across the room, turning around to look at Kenzie once he noticed her enter the room.

"He's fine," Kenzie commented with a sigh, cracking her knuckles as she faced him. "Still paler than usual, but he should be fine now. The rash he had on his neck is slowly disappearing."

The Sander Side simply nodded, turning back to the table he sat at with Henrik and Dr Iplier, discussing something Kenzie didn't know of.

"Is he actually okay?" Sin asked as he stared at Anti, her eyebrows furrowed in worry. She wasn't sure if Kenzie was lying or not.

"Of course," Kenzie reassured, rubbing the girls back comfortingly. "He should wake up in a week or so. Maybe even sooner if we're lucky."

Sin nodded, sitting back in the chair that rested beside Anti's bed, still looking at him in curiosity, but too scared to ask any more questions about it all.

"You two can go now. If you would like, that is," Logan said, turning around to the two once more. "It's almost midnight and you two need sleep."

"I'm only going if you three get some sleep, too," Kenzie replied, staring at them with her arms crossed, knowing they got a maximum of an hours sleep each night, sometimes even less.

"No, no," Henrik replied, shaking his head abruptly, immediately disagreeing with the girl's deal. "Tis alvright. I have ze coffee to keep me avake."

"Coffee won't help you, Henrik," Dr Iplier rolled his eyes, earning a glare from the German doctor who scowled at his friend.

"Coffee helps everyzing!" Henrik protested, holding his pointer finger up.

"I will sleep once I'm finished writing this," Logan said, pointing to a piece of paper on the table. The girl only raised an eyebrow at him.

"You can finish it tomorrow," Kenzie ordered, making her voice firm, watching as the three shared a look, Henrik sighing. "Go on, go to bed."

"Fine. .. ," Henrik grumbled, standing up from his chair that made a scraping noise as it dragged along the ground. "I'm actually quite tired."

Kenzie smiled triumphantly as the three men exited the room rather slowly, Kenzie then turning to Sin after staring at the doorway for a moment, "You too. C'mon."

Sin nodded, following the two doctors and Logan out of the room, Kenzie looking around to make sure everything was fine before leaving, turning the light off and softly closing the door to Anti's room.


"Let us out of here you asshole!" Die yelled, slamming his fists on the bars that held him hostage, his voice merely echoing off of the moulded walls.

Blank was in a separate cell, sitting down with his back leaning against the back wall, his legs pulled up to his chest and his head resting on his knees. Virus was also in a separate cell, but he hadn't woke up yet, still laying down on the cold cell floor.

"And why would I do that?" Dark questioned, calmly pacing in front of Die's cell with a single eyebrow raised. "You'll just go after us all. I'm surprised I captured you three."

Die just growled, banging his fist against the bars once more as he got his face as close to Dark as he could, the scowl very prominent on his features, "How did you take my powers away?"

"That's a secret I'll not tell you," Dark smirked, knowing that Die will get even angrier at missing out on certain details he yearned to know.

"Bitch," Die swore, a grimace on his face as he watched as the other demon smirked in triumph once more.

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