✔ Part 23 ✔

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Anti sat slumped against the wall, arms chained up and bored as all hell.

He had occasionally been whistling tunes from either AC/DC or MCR, but that didn't do much good.

The demon sighed irritably, blowing a strand of his green hair out of his eyes only for it to return to where it was. There wasn't anything to do, obviously. Apart from rattle the chains about, that is.

"Can we not just get this over with?" Anti yelled over at the door, raising an eyebrow when Die, Blank and Virus entered the room.

"No," Virus bluntly said, crossing his arms along his chest with a boring expression. "We promise your execution will be over and done with within an hour."

Anti groaned, throwing his head back, making contact with the wall, "At least give me some entertainment!"

"Let me think about that. .. . No!" Die exclaimed with an angry look on his face as Anti had been bugging them ever since the announcement was over.

"You know," Blank spoke as he leaned on the wall across from Anti. "We could just kill your friends before you."

Anti huffed, raising an uninterested eyebrow to show he didn't care, "And what good will that be to ya?"

"We'd be able to see you even more irritated. Maybe even sad or angry?" Die claimed, his eyes glowing a light blue colour.

"Do whatever you want to them," Anti snapped, glaring up at the three men who were towering over him. "I couldn't care less."

"Something tells me you're lying," Virus mumbled, walking back out of the room, stopping in the doorway for a moment. "You just don't want to admit it, but you care for them. All of them. Pathetic."

Virus then left, leaving Anti sitting there with Die and Blank.

"Where are the others?" Anti then asked, Die rolling his eyes at the question.

"In the other room," Blank responded, scrolling through his phone, not even looking up as he answered.

"Why aren't they in here with me?" Anti questioned, facing the ceiling with closed eyes.

Die let out a huff, "Because I didn't put them in here."

"Besides," Virus spoke again as he walked back into the room. "They're all passed out so they won't be talking to you."

"I don't care," Anti said again, rolling his eyes. "Can I at least have people I can tolerate in the same room as me?"

"Oh, shut up!" Blank demanded, the gears attached to his head sparking the more frustrated he got. "Do we have anything that will shut him up?"

Die then strolled over to the table in the corner of the room, grabbing something before he came back with a piece of cloth, crouching in front of Anti who raised an eyebrow.

"Maybe this will shut you up," Die stated, tying the cloth around his mouth, working as a gag.

Muffled noises came from Anti who glared at the demon who just smirked.

"Oh, I'm sorry," Die smirked in a teasing tone as he tilted his head to the left. "I can't hear you."

Anti growled, trying to say something again, only muffled noises coming out.

The other three demons laughed, continuing with whatever they were doing with Anti grumbling in the corner.


Ellie groaned as she woke up, looking around the room she was in and trying to move, realising she was chained up as rattles echoed off the walls when she moved.

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