✔ Part 12 ✔

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It was morning in no time and almost everyone was awake and walking around JJ's house and doing their own things.

Anti, Virgil, Marvin, Ellie, Remy and Roman were still asleep, Jack, Mark and Thomas having a few good ideas as to wake them all up.

Jack snuck into Anti's room with his phone, setting an alarm for ten minutes away with it. The alarm sound was Anti, himself, saying 'I am eternal' (Which we all know is actually 'I am a turtle').

Jack snickered as he set his phone beside Anti's bed, leaving it there before he exited, now waiting for the alarm to go off.

Thomas asked Jameson to conjure up some Starbucks, the male holding the iced coffee as he stood beside Remy, who was sleeping soundly, with a smirk on his face.

Mark walked into Roman and Virgils room with a sharpie JJ gave him, drawing a moustache, unibrow and goatee on Roman's face and hiding Virgil's eyeshadow that the mute had given him the day before, Mark then setting an alarm for them with Virgil's phone (which didn't have a password, surprisingly) the alarm going to go off in ten minutes.

Jack walked into Marvin's room, looking around to find out what to do to the magician.

Jack got a piece of black paper he found in a drawer in the magician's new room, the creator cutting it out so it looked like a cockroach and stuck it to the inside of the lamp before turning the lamp on and leaving the room after he set another alarm.

Kate (who wanted to be a part of this after she walked upstairs in the middle of the creator's plotting their pranks) walked into Ellie's room, wondering what she should do to prank Ellie as she stood there with a smirk on her face.

She girl's smirk grew wider when she got an idea, quickly rushing downstairs to ask Jameson to make a snake appear.

JJ was hesitant at first, but he eventually did it but made sure to give her a non-poisonous snake, the male not knowing what the girl was going to do with the animal.

Kate then went back into Ellie's room, setting the snake in the girl's bed covers, snickering as she took the girls phone, putting in her password and setting an alarm, just as the others had done.

Three of the four who set up everything met up in the hallway, smirking at each other, Thomas staying in Remy's room to pour the iced coffee on him.


"Thomas!" Remy yelled after a few minutes, Thomas then rushing out of Remy's room with a slightly panicked expression, Sleep following his creator with coffee all over his pyjamas. "I'm going to fucking kill you!"

Mark made sure Remy didn't go near Thomas as he stood in front of the other male, the group waiting for the others to awake as Remy stood, shivering slightly as he glared at Thomas.

A girly scream then came from one of the rooms, the four thinking it was Ellie until the voice then yelled, "Can someone get the cockroach out of my room!?!"

The four then laughed loudly when they heard Anti's alarm go off, something hitting against the wall seconds later, the alarm going quiet, "Who the fuck set this alarm?!"

Next was Ellie, who woke up from her alarm thinking she set it the night before but forgot, as usual.

What she wasn't expecting was a medium-sized snake to slither up her arm, the girl widening her eyes at the animal, "Holy shit! Someone help me and get this fucking snake off of me!"

Suddenly, a loud laugh emitted from the only room that was left, Jack grinning ear to ear as he glanced at the other two creators, "Roman, you should look at your face!"

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