✔ Part 16 ✔

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Patton ascended the stairs, whistling a happy tune as he skipped up the steps, stopping at the third floor and walking down the hall to Virgil's room.

Just before the Moral Side got there, he heard a crash from down the hall, coming from the room Virgil was supposed to be in.

"Virgil?!" Patton yelled, rushing to the door as fast as he could as he pulled at the door handle, but it wouldn't budge, the door being locked. "Virgil, open the door!"

Shuffling came from the other side of the door once Patton stopped yelling, the Moral Side listening in to what was happening in the room, the male hearing an unknown voice whisper, "Sshhh!"

"Please!" Patton begged, banging his fist on the door in an attempt for someone to open the door, Morality hearing others rush up the stairs from behind him.

"What happened?" Jackie asked as he skidded to a stop beside Patton who looked panicked, the hero looking around frantically to spot something was wrong.

"The door is locked and I think someone is in there with Virgil," Patton whispered, panic rising in him as he stepped away from the door, footsteps being heard from inside the room, making the Speticeye widen his eyes.

"Stand back," Jackie said, walking back before rolling his shoulders and charging at the door, the door busting open at the harsh force.

As soon as Jackie entered the room, he froze, eyes widening as he stared.

A man in a black mask was standing behind Virgil, a knife to his neck while another man was off to the side looking inside the drawers for something expensive.

"Damn it," the male holding Virgil growled out, his head snapping in the direction of the people in front of him. "Take one step forward your friend dies."

Everyone then froze, knowing better than to mess with someone in this situation, Virgil just standing there shaking slightly, his eyes wide as he looked at the others with a pleading look, wincing when the knife that was held near his neck pressed a little too hard.

A click of a gun then sounded from near the front of the group gathered at the door, everyone setting their eyes on Kate who clenched her gun in her hands, ready to shoot the male that was looking through the room at any given moment, "You hurt him, at all, and I kill your friend over there."

"Ha!" The man laughed, pressing the knife to Virgil's neck harder, a small, almost unnoticeable cut opening up. "As if I care about him."

"Then I'll kill you," Kate said, directing the gun to the man's head, being careful to not aim it anywhere near Virgil. "Just one shot will kill ya. Easy peasy."

"I'll kill this emo bitch before you have the chance to pull the trigger."

"No, ya won't ya old skank," Wilford said, getting his gun out, lifting it up as he aimed. "Let the poor lad go before this has to get any more difficult. Although, I would be lying if I said I didn't want a bit of trouble."

"Tom," the man holding Virgil said with a scowl, his eyes flickering to his accomplice. "Throw the jewels out the window."

The man standing to the side nodded, about to grab the jewellery out of the drawers he found them in only for a gunshot to ring out.

The man groaned in pain as a bullet was lodged into the man's stomach, Wilford putting his gun down to his side as he watched him fall to his knees on the floor, blood pooling out of his wound like a waterfall.

"You asshole!" The man holding Virgil said, about to trail the knife horizontally until another gunshot rang out, Kate being the one who fired.

A few seconds of silence rang out in the room, the only sound heard being the groans of the man Wilford shot.

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