✔ Part 18 ✔

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Kate suddenly jolted awake, sitting up as quickly as she could with a frantic look as she looked around the newfound area.

The demon girl furrowed her eyebrows slightly as she looked around the room.

All she could see was darkness, only a small glimmer of light peeking through from the small space under what seemed to be a door.

The girl stood up, flapping her wings a few times, getting used to her surroundings.

All she knew was that there was a singular chair in the corner of the box-like room with shelves placed oddly around the room that had nothing on them.

Kate moved around, reaching her hand up and tracing her fingers along the walls, immediately grimacing.

The wall was musty and rotted with mould, the girl bringing her hand away from the wall again.

She then walked back to the middle of the room, her shoes making sounds that echoed off of the walls as she walked.

"Wait a minute. . .," Kate mumbled after staying quiet for a minute, thinking over the situation as her eyes widened in realisation. "I've been here before. .. ."

Kate, without hesitation, strode over to the door and feeling around for the door handle.

She found it soon enough and gripped onto it tightly before turning the handle.

The door squeaked as it swung open, a large gleaming light now finding its way to Kate and the room she was in.

The light that shone at her wasn't too bright, but she still squinted her eyes at the newfound brightness.

She stood a minute, letting her eyes adjust before taking a step forwards into the room she discovered.

There were test tubes everywhere, on desks and counters, as well as some smashed on the floor, coloured liquids inside small flasks laying about the place.

"Looks like a science lab," Kate noted, walking around and picking up a notebook that was set on a table, flipping through a few pages. "An experiment lab."

The pages she flicked through had notes on random people, some saying things like, 'Turned into a monster,' or 'Completely unreactive to the fluid injected into their system,' and much more.

Kate placed the notebook back down, looking around briefly before going to the only other door in the area.

The red-winged girl walked over to the metal door, once again turning the handle to enter a hallway.

Kate walked down the corridor, taking in her surroundings and examining the plain walls.

I recognise this place,′ she thought, furrowing her eyebrows as she stared at the shedding wallpaper.

Kate looked out the windows, widening her eyes when she saw the city below her.

"No way. . .," She muttered, her eyes filling with both shock and somewhat excitement.

Outside looked colourless, buildings being black with normal windows, the streets void of civilisation apart from a few stray animals, mostly inhumane looking cats.

The only signs of colours were the rare plants and random fires in the middle of the vacant roads.

"I'm home. . .," Kate claimed, rushing around the corner and running down the stairs to the front doors of the building. "The demon world. .. ."

- - -

Anti groaned silently, reaching his hand up to his head for a moment until he sat up.

The demon cranked his eyes open slowly, his brows furrowed in confusion, looking around only to find himself in some sort of lab.

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