✔ Part 35 ✔

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The group had retreated to the small camp that Jackie and Thomas walked past on their way to find Patton, all sitting in a somewhat circle.

"Are you sure you're all okay?!" Patton asked for the millionth time, looking more at Virgil than the other two as he bit his fingernails.

"I think you should worry more about yourself than us, right now," Virgil said quietly, looking over from the log he was sitting on, fiddling with his fingers.

"Yeah, Virgil's right," Jackie said from beside the Moral side, sighing as he looked at him. "I get that it's easy to worry about others more than yourself, but you were trapped in that phone booth for ages."

Thomas nodded along, pursing his lips as he turned to his Moral Side, "Are you okay, Patton?"

"Just a bit shaken up," Patton sighed, taking off his glasses and rubbing at his eyes before putting them back on. "Other than that, I'd say I'm fine."

"Hey, have any of the other Sides said anything?" Jackie asked, making Thomas furrow his eyebrows along with the other two, trying to find any indication of what the others were doing.

"Remus and the doctor found Kenzie and Roman," Virgil said before dropping his eyes to the ground, looking at his feet.

"Bing and Remy found each other," Thomas said afterwards, Patton nodding along although as he seemed a bit worried. "The others are in the same situation as before. I think, anyway."

"But we haven't heard from Janus in ages," Patton said, sighing afterwards, the patter of his foot bouncing off of the ground sounding.

"What about the people who don't have one of us with them?" Virgil said, panic settling on his facial features as he kept staring at his feet. "They could be dead for all we know. Maybe even bitten. They could be in trouble and we can't help them because we don't know where they are."

"Virg, calm down," Patton whispered, hurrying over to the anxious side to calm him down, being careful as to what he said in case anything triggered an attack of some sort.

Thomas and Jackie stayed back, Patton the only one of the three that was able to calm Virgil down enough.

"I'm really worried about Chase and Henrik," Jackie then mumbled, resting his chin on his hand. "I mean, they're the only Septic egos that we haven't heard from."

"I'm sure they're fine," Thomas reassured, smiling softly at his hero friend. "They can both look after themselves."

Patton hummed in agreement from over beside Virgil who had now fallen asleep, Anxiety's eyebrows furrowed while he slept.

"I just hope no one's alone anymore," Patton whispered, everyone soon falling into a deep quietness.


"Anything happening to the others so far?" Jack questioned, looking over at the taller male beside him, walking down the long road ahead of them.

"Patton is now safe," Logan confirmed before stating the others' positions, glancing over to the two Jim's who were rambling on about a bunch of nonsense. Anti just walked slowly behind the four. "Although, we haven't received any information from Deceit."

Jack just nodded, the group settling into silence once more as there wasn't much to talk about as they continued walking.

A yelp came from beside them, Logan and Jack snapping their head in the direction of the Jim's. CJ slowly backed away from his brother who was struggling to keep a zombie away from him.

Jack stood frozen in his spot and Logan snapped out of the surprised trance, about to pounce at the zombie before someone else got there before him.

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