Enter (Y/N) and Naruto, the Uzumaki Brothers!

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(Y/N): My name is (Y/N) Uzumaki, and I'm a ninja, well ninja in training really, there's a difference. Anyway, twelve years ago, a giant beast known as the Nine Tailed Fox attacked my home of the Hidden Leaf Village. Many lives were lost, some of my friends lost their loved ones, parents, siblings, you name it. But then, my father Minato Namikaze, the Fourth Hokage (Leader of the village) and my mother Kushina Uzumaki, sacrificed their lives to save the village. However, with their death, they sealed the monster away, into my newborn kid brother. 

(Y/N): His name is Naruto Uzumaki, and most people shunned him throughout his entire life. But the current Hokage Hiruzen Sarutobi (Third Hokage) helped me take care of my brother, this also included my closest friends Sunset Shimmer, Twilight Sparkle, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and Applejack. Their families were going through hard times, and even though they found out the truth, they didn't blame Naruto. Naruto also had another close friend, Hinata Hyuga of the Hyuga Clan. However her father Hiashi found out about their little hangouts and forbid Hinata of seeing Naruto ever again. It was a tough time. 

(Y/N): Naruto soon decided that he wanted to become the Hokage someday, and earn everyone's respect. I decided to help my brother with that goal. Sure he may be kind of an idiot, and well he's pretty annoying to deal with at times, but I love him too much to not help him. So we made a promise, I would help him become Hokage anyway I could! As long as I could become a great ninja too! 

Hidden Leaf Village Present Day. 

You woke up in your bed in the apartment that you and your brother shared. 

(Y/N): Man, I can't believe Naruto would put a whoopee cushion under my seat. Everyone was laughing at me! Sometimes he really gets on my nerves. 

You fix yourself some breakfast and go to wake up Naruto. 

(Y/N): Wait he's not here! Where the hell is he? 

You get dressed in your white jacket, blue shorts, and black sandals and rush outside. 

You soon notice that the Hokage Mountain (where the faces of all the previous Hokage are sculpted) are covered in paint and graffiti like kanji!

(Y/N): NARUTO!!!!!!!! 

Naruto Uzumaki, your kid brother is running from the Jonin (High ranking ninja of the village. 


Naruto: You have to get me first suckers!! HAHAHAHA! 

Naruto manages to escape his pursuers. 

Naruto: HA! Too easy! 

You emerge behind Naruto along with your teacher Iruka Umino. 


Naruto jumps back in surprise! 

Naruto: Bro! Iruka-Sensei? What are you guys doing here? 

Iruka: We're the ones who should be asking you that, you need to get to class. 

At the Ninja Academy. 

You go to take your seat. Right next to a yellow skinned girl with lovely pink hair, with a butterfly hairpin, a white shirt, pink shorts, and pink shorts. She is Fluttershy an old friend of yours. 

She is accompanied by your other friends. A pink skinned girl with pink poofy hair, a blue shirt, white shorts, and blue sandals. She's Pinkie Pie. There's a girl with blonde hair, in a braid, she's orange skinned, and where's a cowgirl hat, she has a brown shirt, and red pants. Her sandals are brown colored. She is Applejack. 

Jinchuriki of the Hidden Leaf Part 1 (Naruto and MLP EG Harem x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now