The Fifth Hokage!!/Sannin Showdown!/New Girlfriends!

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Shizune soon woke up from being knocked out and after remembering what had happened, she rushed to find you and the others. 

You guys were going to find Tsunade, all since Naruto had basically "perfected" the Rasengan and was ready to show it off to the lovely goddess. 

Jiraiya: Alright Naruto, are you sure that you want to go through with this? 

Naruto: Hell yeah I want to Pervy Sage!! Now that I have the Rasengan perfected after lots of training, and a lot of sleep, I'm ready to prove to that old bat that I can become Hokage in the future, and that she has to become the Fifth Hokage!! 

(Y/N): Just don't let this sense of pride get to your head, or else you'll begin slacking off and then you'll get your ass handed to you by a lot of other people. 

Sunset: That's for sure. 

Twilight: Hey wait a second, isn't that Shizune coming this way? And it looks like she's gripping onto Ton-Ton pretty hardly. 

Shizune is indeed heading towards all of you, she looks extremely tired and out of breath. 

(Y/N): Shizune, what's the matter? 

Shizune: It's (pant) Lady (pant) Tsunade (pant). She went to (pant) fight (pant) Orochimaru. 

Anko: Okay that's - WAIT WHAT!!! OROCHIMARU IS HERE?! 

Shizune: So you've encountered him before. 

Naruto: Yep. 

Rainbow: Yeah, we've met the guy before, and we're not really on his friend list. In fact we're pretty much on the top of his enemies list. 

Sunset: Wait, why would Lady Tsunade make a bet with Orochimaru of all people? 

Shizune: He wanted her to heal his arms, in exchange for him to bring back two people extremely close to her. As well as him leaving the Leaf Village alone, and abandoning his plan to destroy it. 

Naruto: And why would she do it? He's not exactly a guy who would really keep his word. 

Shizune: That's what I tried to tell her, but then she knocked me out and left on her own. 


You guys begin searching for Tsunade's whereabouts, until you come across the place where Tsunade left her haori. 

(Y/N): Yep, Tsunade was here. A crater in the ground, a giant crack in the walls. She's definitely way gone past this point right now. 

Shizune: Ton-Ton do you think you can sniff it out? 

Ton-Ton oinked an expression as if saying "I think so." 

Twilight: Wow, you're animal partner can do that!! I have one who can do it too! Summoning Jutsu!! 

Twilight soon summoned Spike over. 

Spike: Okay, what now, I was having my daily bubble bath. 

Spike soon shook off the water from his fur. 

(Y/N): Hey little buddy, do you think that you can sniff out Tsunade's location? 

Spike: Let's see. 

Spike sniffed the haori. 

Spike: EEEW!! NASTY!! It smells like old liquor and like she ate a bunch of food!! Follow me, I've got the trail now. 

Spike runs off with the rest of you in tow. 


Tsunade was not in a good condition, she had been battling against Kabuto while you guys were searching for her. He used his chakra infused scalpel to cut apart some of Tsunade's vitals. 

Jinchuriki of the Hidden Leaf Part 1 (Naruto and MLP EG Harem x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now