To Protect Someone!/Naruto's Rage!

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Naruto was taking a nice long nap in the forest. Soon enough, he heard the sound of footsteps. He woke up to see who it was. He soon noticed a young woman, (although it was actually Haku). 

Naruto: Huh? Oh, uh hi I didn't see you there. 

Haku: It's quite alright. But what are you doing here in this forest? 

Naruto: Oh, I'm training obviously! 

Haku: I see you have a headband on your forehead, I suppose you're a ninja. Is that right? 

Naruto: Hell yeah I am, I'm Naruto Uzumaki of the Hidden Leaf Village!! I'm training out here so that I can get stronger and stronger. 

Haku: I see, but why is getting stronger so important to you? 

Naruto: Well, I want everyone in my village to respect me, and not see me as a big joke. 

Haku: Really, are you doing this for yourself, or someone you care about? 

Naruto: What are you talking about? 

Haku: What I mean, is if there is someone who's precious to you. 

Naruto: I still don't get it. 

Haku: It's simple really. You see, right now I am collecting some herbs to make some medicine. There's someone I admire very deeply, and it is my duty to make sure that that person's dream comes true. The path of a ninja is very difficult for so many people. But I will continue to make sure that that man who I admire, can have his dream come true. It doesn't matter if I even give up what's important to me. I will make his vision a reality. 

Naruto: Oh I think I get it now. 

Naruto thought about those he connected with. Kakashi, Iruka, Sunset, Twilight, Rainbow, Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie, Sakura, Sasuke, Luna, Celestia, Konohamaru, and of course you, his own brother. Naruto was not alone, there were people he cared about deeply. And it was those people that keep him pushing towards his goal. 

Naruto: Yeah, thanks lady I really appreciate the talk. 

Haku got up and started to walk away. 

Haku: I can tell, you will become very strong someday. Oh, and by the way, I'm actually a boy. 

Naruto froze for a bit. 


Haku began walking off as Naruto kept trying to get his thoughts together. 

Naruto: Sheesh, how can someone who looks so feminine by a guy, that doesn't make any- 

Sasuke appears, well Naruto didn't notice him approach, and whacks him on the head. 


Sasuke: I should be asking you, you moron, you left to train out of nowhere. 

Naruto: Well at least I'm more active in my training than you are. 

Sasuke: Don't push it Naruto. 

Naruto: Fine!! I'm going to keep training, you do whatever you want. 

Back with the group

Sasuke: So, he decided not to come. 

Tazuna: Wow, that boy is determined, and quite stubborn too. 

(Y/N): (sigh) That's my brother for you. 

Tazuna: Soon enough the bridge is going to be finished, then Gato can kiss his ass goodbye to our land! 

Jinchuriki of the Hidden Leaf Part 1 (Naruto and MLP EG Harem x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now