Zabuza The Demon Swordsman!/Gaining New Feelings!!!

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Soon enough, the entire group, along with Tazuna, were taking a boat ride across the water. Naruto was napping, with Sasuke sighing, while questioning the thoughts of his idiotic friend/rival. Sakura was leaning her head on your shoulder, which you were happy enough to give your pink haired beautiful girlfriend the pleasure of comfort with your body. The girls looked with jealousy, but they hid well. Sakura on the other hand, could tell that they were jealous. And so could you. Celestia, Luna, and Kakashi just sat their collecting their thoughts. Tazuna was a little stressed out from the encounter with the Demon Brothers. 

You soon broke the silence. 

(Y/N): So Tazuna, who exactly is this Gato guy? 

Tazuna: Gato is a no good criminal, a pretty dreaded one at that too. He bankrupted everyone in our country, and is pretty much in control. He uses his shipping company as a front for other crimes like drug dealing. 

Kakashi: Would that explain the Demon Brothers? 

Tazuna: Yeah, that's right. You see, the bridge that I'm part of building, it's to connect the Land of Waves to the mainland, that way we can restore economic stability. 

Celestia: So Gato hired a bunch of ninja mercenaries to kill you. 

Tazuna: That's correct. The real mission is for you guys to make sure that me and everyone else are safe, until we can rebuild the bridge. 

Rainbow: Or we can just find Gato, and kill him. 

Tazuna: I would have suggested that, if it were easy enough though. 

(Y/N): Tazuna's right, we have to be careful. Gato probably has a lot of thugs working for him. 

Soon enough, the boat lands on land, and you guys continue, through the foggy area of the Land of Waves. You feel your heart beating, pretty loudly, almost as if you guys are being followed. 

Naruto: Hey bro, what's with the sudden tension? 

(Y/N): I still think we're being watched, and this mist, it makes me feel uneasy. I think we have another assassin coming for us. 

All of a sudden, a mysterious weapon comes flying at the direction of Twilight, Sunset, Fluttershy, Rarity, Rainbow, Pinkie, and AJ. 

(Y/N): DODGE!! 

You push all of them out of the way, just as the weapon hits the tree. 

It looks like a giant butcher's knife. With two holes in them, one looks like half of a circle, while the other one looks like half of a circle. 

Sasuke: Is that thing a sword? It's huge for one. 

You instantly recognize the sword, and realize who is the attacker. 

A mysterious figure soon stands atop of the sword, he has a headband of the Hidden Mist, but turned to the side. His outfit has some white with some spots on them, and he has long stocking-like coverings over him. His hair is spiked, and he has bandages covering his mouth. 

(Y/N): Zabuza Momochi, also known as the Demon of the Hidden Mist. 

Zabuza: Well it's looks like even those young ones are acquainted with me.

Celestia: (Y/N), you know about Zabuza? 

(Y/N): Yeah, anyone who knows about the Hidden Mist, of course has knowledge of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen. He's one of the most dangerous ones ever since he became one of them. 

Twilight: He has a higher kill count than any other of the swordsmen. 

Zabuza: Well, I didn't know I had a fan club. Now then brats, move out of the way, that old man is going to be slain by my sword. 

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