Phase 2 End!/Enter the Tower!!

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Team Kurenai continued throughout the dangerous forest, with both scrolls that they needed to get into the tower. 

Shino: Well done guys, now that we have both scrolls, we can easily make it inside. 

Kiba: Hell yeah!! That's what I'm talking about! Did you hear that Akamaru?! We were awesome! 

Akamaru barked in agreement. 

Hinata: I just hope Naruto and the others are alright. 

Soon enough, while they were traversing throughout said Forest, they overheard a conversation. 

A bunch of Hidden Rain ninja were having a discussion not so far away from here. 

Rain Ninja #1: So yeah, I'm just saying, if we're going to pass this phase of the exams, we have to be more alert and vigilant, you know, like a tiger or something. 

Rain Ninja #2: And how exactly? 

Rain Ninja #1: Well, we just need to fin someone who has the earth scroll and take it from them! 

Rain Ninja #3: Yeah, that makes a lot of sense!! 

Rain Ninja #1: Thank you, I'm glad we all agree on this matter. 

However, as they were discussing they heard footsteps approaching them. Those footsteps belonged to Gaara, Kankuro, and Temari. 

Temari: Well it looks like we have our targets for the heaven scroll. 

Kankuro: About damn time too. I just want to get out of this stinking forest!! 

Gaara: Kankuro, Temari, enough of this! We just need to get the scroll and head for the tower. 

Kankuro: Alright, whatever you say Gaara. 

Temari: Someone's completely impatient! 

Gaara: You better be lucky, that I won't hurt you for that comment. 

Temari: Sure, whatever. 

Rain Ninja #1: Hey you're those Sand Ninjas aren't you? 

Hinata: W-What's going on over there? 

Shino: I don't know, it looks like that those 3 are the Sand Ninja that appeared here for the exam. 

Kiba: They look even more suspicious than I thought they were! 

Akamaru barks in agreement with Kiba's comment. 

Kankuro: If you want to challenge Gaara, than you have a death wish. 

Temari: Exactly, challenging our little brother will be the biggest mistake of your life. 


The Rain ninja threw a swarm of umbrellas with spinning blades, as well as attach a slew of paper bombs to said umbrellas. 

A huge spiraling explosion occurred and Gaara was supposedly blown to tiny little pieces. 

But it was revealed through the smoke .... Gaara, was alive. He had created a shield made purely out of sand, which came out from his gourd. The red haired Sand ninja, was completely unharmed. 

Gaara: What a foolish mistake. 

Kankuro: Well of course it was. 

Temari: We did warn them not to go up against Gaara

Gaara then extended one of his arms. 

Gaara: Sand Coffin!

Jinchuriki of the Hidden Leaf Part 1 (Naruto and MLP EG Harem x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now