Awakening of the Ice Swordsman/Forming a Harem!!

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You were out in the training grounds of the Leaf Village, swinging your sword at random targets that were thrown your way, and also casting some of your jutsus as well. You summoned the water dragon, from the jutsu you recently learned. Spit some fire breath, threw cutting winds at practice dummies, and of course, used your earth jutsu to level the ground. You had to keep getting stronger, like Zabuza and Haku were. You had found new motivation to keep getting more powerful in order to make sure that everyone you loved was kept safe. But you still couldn't get over the deaths of Zabuza and Haku, they may have been your enemies, but you actually grew to respect them. 

(Y/N): I have to get stronger for Naruto, for Luna, for Celestia, for Kakashi, for Twilight, for Sunset, for Pinkie, for Rainbow, for Rarity, for AJ, for Fluttershy, for Sakura, and even for that jerkass Sasuke

Naruto and Sasuke were on a mission with Kakashi. Celestia and Luna thought it would be a good idea for the 2 rivals to start getting along better, since Sasuke's heroic move back in the Land of Waves. 

Meanwhile, Sakura had called the girls over to her house to talk to them, it was an urgent matter. 

Mrs. Haruno: Ah,girls come in. Sakura was expecting you. 

Twilight: Thank you ma'm! 

Rarity: A pleasure Mrs. Haruno. 

Rainbow: Thanks Sakura's mom! 

Fluttershy: We'd love to Miss. 

Pinkie: Anytime. 

Sunset: Of course. 

Applejack: Thanks. 

The girls removed their sandals and walked to Sakura's room. 

Sakura was sitting on her bed, thinking about you. 

Sakura: Girls, you made it!! 

Sunset: So why did you call us, Sakura? 

Sakura: It's about (Y/N). I know you girls have feelings for him. 

Twilight: Wait, that's ridiculous!! 

Rainbow: Yeah, he's just our friend. And besides you're dating him. 

Applejack: Exactly, why would we fall for him, if he's already got you. 

Rarity: Not to mention, you both are quite the cute couple!! 

Sakura: I may not be the brightest, but I know that I'm not stupid. Girls, do you love (Y/N)? 

Twilight sighed and spoke up. 

Twilight: Yes, I do. He's smart, cute, funny, kind, he always looks out for those he loves. And he's such a great brother to Naruto. He reminds me of my brother in quite a few ways. (Shining Armor, Twilight's brother is currently traveling the ninja world, and is now currently resting in the Land of Lightning.) I love him so much. 

Twilight sighed with joy, as she thought about you. 

Sunset: Me too. He's sweet, he knows how to cheer people up when they're down. He was there for me, when I lost my parents to the Nine-Tails. He even entrusted me, with the secret that Naruto carried with him. I love him with all of my heart. 

Applejack: (Y/N) is honest down to his core. He's strong, smart, handsome, and he even knows jutsu I know I'm not good, or can't really do. Plus, he's been a great friend. I love the guy! 

Rainbow: (Y/N) is awesome!! The way he fights, his loyalty to his friends and his brother, he's so lovable! I love him a lot!! 

Pinkie: (Y/N) is the best!! He's so friendly and funny. He's been a great friend to me, and even comforted me, when I lost my mom and dad. (Pinkie's parents died during the Nine-Tails attack, she now lives with her 3 sisters). I love him!! 

Jinchuriki of the Hidden Leaf Part 1 (Naruto and MLP EG Harem x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now