Naruto vs. Neji!!/Changing Destiny!!

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Soon enough, the 30 days have passed and you and Naruto are going to return to the Hidden Leaf to participate in the finals of the Chunin Exams. 

Jiraiya: So you guys are going? Are you sure about this. After all, Orochimaru is lurking around. 

(Y/N): We'll be fine! Thanks for everything Master Jiraiya. 

Naruto: We'll see you soon Pervy Sage!! 

Jiraiya: Alright you kids take care of yourselves. And (Y/N), make sure Naruto doesn't do anything stupid! 

(Y/N): I will as long as you make sure to control yourself around other girls. 

Jiraiya: Hmph, I probably won't, but I'll try to humor you. See you around! 

You and Naruto part ways with your Master. 


(Y/N): Just make sure not to stress yourself. Stay calm, and focus all your strength on him. 

Naruto: I know, I'm going to beat the ever living crap out of him, and avenge Hinata!! I won't let her defeat go unnoticed!! 

After a lot of walking later. 

You and Naruto soon reach the gates of the Hidden Leaf, and right there by the gates, was Hinata, along with your girlfriends. And right next to Hinata was a young girl, she had the same eyes as Hinata, and she also wore a nice little orange kimono, her hair was longer, and she wore black sandals. This was Hanabi, Hinata's kid sister. 

Hanabi: (Y/N)!! YOU'RE BACK!! 

Hanabi ran over and hugged the crap out of you!! 

(Y/N): Hey Hanabi!! Long time no see!! 

Harem: Aren't you forgetting us? 

(Y/N): Of course not!! Come here girls!! 

Twilight, Sunset, Rainbow, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie, Fluttershy, Sakura, Ino, Tenten, and Anko tackle hugged you and began to kiss the crap out of you. You're face was practically red with kisses, and you were happy to see your princesses again, that you kissed all of them as well. 

Hanabi: Hey (Y/N), there's a reason why I came with them. 

(Y/N): Let me guess, you love me right Hanabi? 

Hanabi: Yeah, all the time we spent together, while Naruto spent his time with Big Sis was really memorable! And Hinata kind of told me about this harem you had going on so I came to confess my feelings! I want to join your harem!! 

(Y/N): Hey girls are you fine with this. 

Twilight, Sunset, Applejack, Rainbow, Pinkie, Rarity, and Fluttershy: Yep. 

Sakura: She's actually really nice and cute. 

Ino: She promised to share too. 

Tenten: I'm cool with it. 

Anko: Yeah, I kind of like her! 

(Y/N): That's great!! 

You kiss Hanabi on the lips, and she deepens the kiss. 

Naruto: So Hinata! You're going to cheer me on right? 

Hinata: Of c-course N-Naruto! I'll be rooting for you right in the audience. 

Hanabi: Father seems to have calmed down, and he noticed that you're not so bad after all. So he allowed us to come and see you. 

Anko: You can thank us for that. 

Jinchuriki of the Hidden Leaf Part 1 (Naruto and MLP EG Harem x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now