Chunin Exams Preliminaries!/(Y/N) VS. Sasuke!!!!

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You and your whole group entered the tower. There you saw the rest of the other teams waiting. Team Kurenai, Team Asuma, Team Guy, Team Sound, and Team Kabuto were all waiting for any announcement for the next phase of the exams to begin. 

From up above, there were balconies, where Kakashi, Celestia, Luna, Kurenai, Asuma, Guy, and Anko were watching. They were also accompanied by another man in his 30's, he has the Sand Village headband on his forehead, two red markings on the right side of his face. His left side is covered by a turban-like headgear. He is also wearing the standard uniform for a Jonin ranked ninja, and black sandals. And finally, there is a man with pale like skin, wearing the headband of the Sound Village. Of course you, your team, and Anko were aware at the fact that that man was actually Orochimaru in disguise. 

(Y/N): So, you're going to be watching this battle too Orochimaru? Fine, if you're desperate to watch people suffer, then I'll show you and you're stupid henchmen what us ninja from the Hidden Leaf are made of. 

Anko: Great, (Y/N) and his team made it. But still, the fact that Orochimaru is watching us really bugs me. I know that (Y/N) might actually have the strength to finish him, but he has to get stronger. Be careful Big Guy. 

Orochimaru: So, it looks like (Y/N) made it here after all, I want to see if he actually is stronger than Sasuke. If my subordinates can keep the others busy, then I can manage to finally get my hands on him. 

Soon enough, a young Leaf Jonin stepped forward in front of you guys. He had short brown hair, shady eyes, with some dark markings beneath them, the Leaf Headband on his forehead, the jacket of Jonin, and black sandals. He is also carrying a sword on his back. This fellow is Hayate Gekko, the examiner for this phase. 

Hayate began coughing a bit, an after a while, he calmed down. 

Hayate: Welcome all young Genin to the Preliminaries of the Chunin Exams. This part will be one on one battles, so that we can take you to the finals. Those who make it through the finals, will be made into Chunin ranked ninja. 

(Y/N): So one on one battles, determining who fights who, those who win will head to the finals. Then I have to win at all costs. 

Naruto: This is it! I won't show mercy to you (Y/N)! I'm going to become Hokage, even if it mean that I have to beat you to get there! 

Hayate: The computer above will determine the matches, so once it scrolls through and makes a decision. I will announce the fight. 

Twilight: Wait! I have a question!! Why do we have a "computer" at this time? I mean, I didn't think we would be this advanced, considering the fact that we are all ninjas. 

Pinkie stepped in. 

Pinkie: Twilight, this is a crossover fanfic written about a huge fan of both fandoms. Questioning something like this would be pretty crazy, and besides I think the original author had this as an original decision. 

Twilight: Where did you get that idea from Pinkie? 

Pinkie: I'm just saying. 

Pinkie smiled innocently, Twilight just bent her head in complete confusion. 

Meanwhile from above the battleground. 

Guy: I see that your students made it this far Kakashi. But my students are just as skilled. I'm not saying that mine will beat yours, but I just want to say that may the best man win. 

Guy gave Kakashi a thumbs up, as a twinkle in his pearly white smile. Kakashi turned his head towards his rival. 

Kakashi: Huh? Oh hey Guy, did you say something? 

Jinchuriki of the Hidden Leaf Part 1 (Naruto and MLP EG Harem x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now