5. Holystones

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In the morning hours, Seonghwa awoke to a finger poking his cheek, startling him out of his sleep.

He was not used to his new surroundings yet, confusedly opening his mouth to tell off the person looming over him.

However, he found himself unable to speak. His throat felt like one big open wound and not even a murmur could be heard. With wide eyes, Seonghwa looked up at the man with the black and white hair standing above him, his expression just as puzzled.

"Lost your voice, pretty?" San asked; his deep voice a mere whisper in the dimly lit room. Seonghwa just nodded and rolled to his feet to follow him outside. The sun had just risen and sat close to the sea on the horizon, sending warm orange light to illuminate the waves. The morning breeze was cool, ruffling Seonghwa's wild hair further. His companion took one good look at him and gasped softly.

"What happened to you? Did Captain- Did he let the lads loose?" He seemed so strangely tame compared to everything else on this ship, stepping closer so that Seonghwa could feel his body heat. One worried hand came up to turn the collar of what once was Seonghwa's good shirt between his fingers, observing the bloodstains that had long since dried.

Seonghwa inclined his head politely, trying to express his confusion through his eyebrows.

"Ah, no, no, it does not matter. He did not, I would have heard. Looks like you had a rough night, huh?"

At that, Seonghwa nodded pitifully. He shivered as he recalled being forced underwater, having no way to free himself. His body still quivered at the reminder of that vulnerability.

"Maybe I can sneak you out some soup. We met you yesterday and you're this ruined already; that's not that a very good score."

Seonghwa liked San. He seemed more sympathetic than the rest of the pirates, thus leaving a good impression on Seonghwa.

The two of them wandered over the deck and towards the very first mast closest to the wheel. Youjin leaned against the heavy wood with one boot propped up against it. He discussed something with the captain, who stood with another man next to him up at the wheel on the gallery. Apparently, they were debating their next destination and Seonghwa chuckled to himself as he saw Youjin, who had not overslept despite looking forward to it so much.

"Good morning~" San draped himself like a cat over Youjin's shoulders as soon as he was close enough. When Youjin turned his head towards him for a greeting, San pressed a peck onto his cheek with a charming giggle. Seonghwa blushed. They were in public and did not seem to care about the onlookers.

Was it even possible for two men to kiss in the same way a man and a woman could? Seonghwa was too shy to ask.

Instead, he avoided watching them as they murmured to each other, looking around. When he lifted his gaze, he noticed the fiery gaze of the captain on him.

Seonghwa went rigid immediately, meeting the man's eyes head on with courage but also a lot of fear. The captain continued talking privately to his other crew member, but did not take his eyes off Seonghwa.

It was just after a moment that their conversation stopped. The other man disappeared into the captain's quarters with some maps in his hands. When the captain grinned at Seonghwa, showing his many sharp-looking teeth, Seonghwa trembled again.

This man exuded power that made Seonghwa want to drop to his knees and- do what? Beg for forgiveness for things he did not commit. He could not imagine doing anything else on his knees.

Seonghwa only stopped staring when Youjin elbowed him in his ribs, making Seonghwa topple over in surprise. He hastened to straighten and glanced at the captain to check his reaction. The man stared out over the sea unbothered, a small smile tugging at his lips. Seonghwa thought his pointy features looked... artsy? He was pleasing to look at with his high cheekbones, pointy nose, sharp jawline and pink lips that curved upwards in the corners. He had an unusual beauty for a nasty pirate.

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