4. Nighttime Disturbance

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Seonghwa had trouble sleeping.

Youjin had assigned him a hammock next to his own, moving the original owner to another one. The pirate wanted to keep a close eye on Seonghwa and Seonghwa appreciated that closeness to an extent. Laying down on that unfamiliar hammock on a swaying ship with a group of snoring men around him was no situation Seonghwa was used to. Since he only knew Youjin out of all of them, the man's presence promised a small amount of security.

When Seonghwa had mentioned his discomfort, Youjin had laughed and blamed it on him being a spoiled prince when really Seonghwa had only ever shared his room with his mother.

Even now, late into the night, while all the smelly pirates around him had fallen into a deep slumber, Seonghwa laid awake and rocked in his hammock. He thought about how he could flee this place in the middle of the ocean. The thought crossed him that if he had more skill and courage, he could kill all the pirates sleeping so deeply now. However, the idea of killing repelled him and he lacked the skill as well. Seonghwa would have to settle for finding a different manner to escape.

That was why he wanted to look around outside in the night's solitude.

He saw no harm being done since could not touch anything without getting all of them in trouble. At least he could use the peace to figure out a safe path from the ship. So, Seonghwa slid out of his hammock a few minutes later, sneaking out aided by the light that breached the small clefts between the wooden planks above his head.

Seonghwa climbed up to the eerie and empty deck, feeling a cool breeze ruffle his hair. A sigh of relief escaped him when the ocean air and the lack of people eased his tense nerves. For a second, he stood still, looking out over the endless expanse of dark water and the reflection of the full moon, beautifully shimmering on the constantly changing surface.

The limitations of the ship scared him. There was nowhere to go but this restricted area, no place to find security in. Trapped with the savages, Seonghwa's knees softened once more.

Seonghwa took a walk around the deck in order to calm himself. He wandered in mindless circles hoping to see something that gave him an epiphany on how to flee. Perhaps they had some small boats for emergencies stored away under some tarps.

If the pirates anchored ashore soon, he could take off from there while they were distracted. He could find somebody to bring him home. The lonely journey over land didn't scare him more than the pirates did.

Seonghwa got lost in the view of the extensive stretch of water and stars in front of him again, momentarily forgetting that he was aboard a pirate ship and had to fight for his life. For a second, he dared to breathe and shook himself out of his shocked numbness to enjoy his time.

As abrupt as his peace came, it evaporated when a voice called out behind Seonghwa.

"Who be out there? Mingi, ye be walkin' 'round at night again?"

Seonghwa turned around, checking to his left, when a dark chuckle sounded from his right.

"Oh, ye been wantin' to take a swim?"

A sudden hard push knocked the breath out of Seonghwa's chest, taking him by surprise. The press of the railing against his ribs forced a garbled sound from Seonghwa's lips. His insides chilled and cramped as he tumbled over the edge of the ship. After a mere moment, freezing water enclosed him, filling the void of his lungs.

Was he just thrown overboard?

His survival instincts kicked in, prompting him to move and twist in fear, but Seonghwa had had never learned how to swim, did not even know where the surface was. Helpless, he reeled around, the pushes of his body heightened in strength but not saving him.

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