32. Day as a Pirate

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Smut at ce beginning, there be an arrow for my innocent babies where to keep on reading


Seonghwa awoke with a bit of a headache after consuming too much alcohol the night before. He sat up with a groan, groggily reaching over to Hongjoong's bedside table where he knew there was always a mug with water standing. He took a sip, then looking around the empty cabin while his eyes adjusted to the light of the day.

When he was sure he could stand without falling right over he rose, putting on some clothes without a care whose they were and if his shirt was closed fully. Not like anyone bothered.

Seonghwa stepped out on deck, waving at the crew members who noticed him and grinning when Wooyoung yelled an overly excited 'good morning, matey!' down the mast. Seonghwa saluted him too, making the man giggle before he slumped down against what had to be San's shoulder again.

Seonghwa finally found the person he was searching for standing behind the wheel, looking every bit like the pirate he was with that coat and high boots of his. Seonghwa suddenly felt the need to go on land with him, to see people look after him in respect and fear.

With warmth simmering in his stomach Seonghwa scaled the steps to the upper deck, coming to stand next to Hongjoong. The pirate threw him a smirk, checking his appearance.

"Ye look well rested. Had a nice night?"

The evening before was nothing but a blur to Seonghwa. They had acted out their play and he then was asked to join the crew. When he had agreed they had eaten and drunk so much that their tummies hurt, the night filled with their boisterous laughter in the middle of the calm ocean.

Somewhen when half of the crew was already asleep on the desk Hongjoong had given Seonghwa a drunken smile, pulling him away with him. They had tumbled into bed together and Seonghwa only knew pleasure after that.

His body seemed to hum a bit, reminding him that yes, they did have a nice night and bravely he stepped closer to hug Hongjoong close to his chest with one arm. The captain easily allowed him, leaning back with a content sigh.

"I did, thanks to you. You in pain?"

Hongjoong gave a little hum.

"I do feel strange, aye. Care to check for me?" He sounded a bit worried himself and immediately Seonghwa felt guilty, probably having hurt him in his drunken state.

"Of course. Come join me inside." He gently pulled on Hongjoong's hand, mindlessly pressing his thumb in a scar on his pointer finger.

Hongjoong turned his head to pout at him.

"I can't really leave my post right now."

"Why don't you just ask Yeosang to-" Seonghwa stopped himself when he caught on to the glint in Hongjoong's eyes. He came up blank for a second but looking at Hongjoong he really found himself not caring. So he did press closer, trapping Hongjoong between his body and the wheel. He pressed a kiss as an apology onto the other's nape, meanwhile letting his hand slip inside of his coat.

"How be yer first morning as a pirate? Quite calm, don't ye think?", Hongjoong idly smalltalked, pretending like they were standing just really close while Seonghwa's hand slipped into the back of his pants.

"Calm indeed. However I might prefer that calm to nearly getting capsized."

Hongjoong calmly pulled his coat off, putting it down neatly above the wheel and leaning against the soft fur while Seonghwa was probing around. He did find something unusual, some object nestled between the supple flesh of Hongjoong's cheeks and curiously he stepped back, peeking down at it.

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