21. Truth Untold

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TW for blood, torture, rape, mindbreak, suicidal thoughts and more blood


Everything was blurry, Seonghwa's sight fading in and out of focus. He had lost all feeling in his fingers, his brain the only thing aware of the hard word of the ship under his fingertips. The numbness actually helped, making him not notice the burn of his marred body anymore.

For another countless time these past few days Seonghwa just wished to die already.

He blinked harshly when someone moved in front of him, a voice belatedly filtering through his brain. He did not understand any words, just looking up at his own face weakly.

He was beautiful, this copy of him. He had a beauty Seonghwa had not known he himself posessed but it was nothing short of terrifying. This face, this handsome and pleasant face, it was nothing more than the mask of a twisted demon. It was cruel to look at.

"Can you hear me?"

Seonghwa nodded weakly at that, nearly losing to gravity when his head rolled around, letting his jaw pulse numbly with pain. He knew it hurt, he just did not feel it.

The perfect mirror of himself kneeled down between his spread legs then, gently running his merciless hands down the expanse of once smooth skin that was now criss-crossed with crimson. They were shallow wounds, nothing too dramatic but they had still stung when he first got them.

"I want to destroy this place already... Make sure no man will ever touch you like this again. That I was the last one at least, if I could not be your first. But sadly, dear, Hongjoongie said we might still need it. And the trauma, you know..."

He had grown to hate this version of himself so much. He did still not know who they were, where they came from or what their motivation was. But they were cruel and twisted and Seonghwa loathed them.

Not even for what they had done to himself, no. He loathed them for Wooyoung's agonized cries filling the cell block of the ship, for the absolute silence that sounded from Yeosang's place.

He hated them for anything they ever did to his friends because he was finally aware.

Those were his friends. Compared to these people they were the best friends he ever had.

"Why not kill me already?"

The other Seonghwa was grinning at that, slowly running his devious fingers over every single cut, every single drop of blood on Seonghwa's body.

They disappeared at that. Every injury, every little scrap, all gone.

Seonghwa had not understood at first just how he had not understood their presence. But those demons or whatever they were, they hurt them and then they healed them again.

It was the only thing keeping Seonghwa sane. The nagging feeling that these people, being themselves, could not truly hurt them or else they would feel it too.

It all was an illusion, every bit of pain but Seonghwa's brain got not tired of believing it, of sending panic and pain cursing through his body.

He was sick of it. He just wanted to see Hongjoong.

"How far can we wreck you, what do you think? Will seeing the heart of your beloved being eaten be enough? How about a public execution? I don't think Wooyoung knows it's all a lie."

Seonghwa did not know of their motivation but he also did not truly need it. They were cruel and ruthless and their ways of messing with their brains even worse.

Honestly, Seonghwa sometimes felt himself doubt what even was the illusion anymore. Was it the hurt or the healing? He did not know.

That Seonghwa gently settled between his legs, pulling him up against his chest. Seonghwa felt his hands bound by heavy chains drag behind him, completely defenseless. For a second he held his breath as the other man breached his body with that length that was never ever supposed to be in Seonghwa himself.

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