8. Shark Bait

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Seonghwa awoke early next morning when the first crew members scurried around upstairs to ready the ship to leave port. He was mindful of his step as he went out on deck too, trying not to stand in anyone's way. He discovered Yeosang standing at the wheel and ran an obstacle course over the ship to get to him. Some people greeted him with surprising manners, and Seonghwa also waved at Wooyoung, who perched high above them in the crow's nest with another tuft of black hair at his side.

Yeosang greeted Seonghwa with a deliberate nod. He muttered something to Yunho, who joined them from the other side. When the tall man's eyes found Seonghwa, a big grin stretched his lips. He sidestepped Yeosang to swing a heavy arm around Seonghwa's shoulders. Seonghwa huffed as the man drew him in with a boisterous laugh.

"How did you sleep, princess? Did you even sleep?"

Yeosang gave them a distasteful glance, wrinkling his nose. Seonghwa was eager to lift his hands in defence. Not that the prince at the rudder minded the crew's raunchy activities at the ports, but Seonghwa felt the need to defend his princely stance.

"I did nothing! I got back earlier with Jongho!"

Yunho's giggles made Mingi smile on his way up to them. His steps, that were still sluggish from sleep, thumped on the stairs as he made his way up.

"Aye, you did. Did you regret that decision? We had so much fun."

Seonghwa shook his head, stubbornly crossing his arms.

"I was fine. Maybe I'll join you next time," he bluffed. The establishment had successfully scared him off and had his head spin for the entire evening. He would probably never join them again and rather stay with Jongho on the ship to flee from there.

Yunho patted Seonghwa's back with a rough hand.

"Aye, you do that. Can't wait to see that again." He went over to join Mingi to discuss their stored meat with him. Seonghwa remembered something and followed the two of them to leave Yeosang to his duties.

"Say... I saw Captain yesterday; he had a guest. Where did she go? Did she leave before sunrise?"

Seonghwa was worried. He knew it was a bad idea for women to walk around when it was dark out, but Captain would not be that cruel, right? They had looked very close, after all. It must be his privilege as a captain to invite his visitors over to his ship instead of leaving for the town as the rest did.

"Woman? What woman?" Both Yunho and Mingi observed Seonghwa with sceptical features. Seonghwa hesitated, not sure whether he just disclosed secret information. Not that the captain's private matters were his problem.


He was lucky because in the same moment he fumbled for a reply, the door beneath them opened. Hongjoong stumbled out with his lips passionately locked with the ones of the lady. She was embraced by his entire form and completely occupied by his hungrily kissing lips.

Seonghwa blushed but kept looking at them, pointing the couple out to Yunho.

"This one. Is she staying here for a while?"

It looked scandalising. Not only they kissed out in the open, but Hongjoong also kissed like a beast ravaging his prey. He cradled the woman pressed close to his body, head tilted in order to plunder her mouth, while sweet gasps and moans escaped her. Yunho glanced at them over his shoulder as those two tumbled against the railing. Hongjoong's hands snuck under her top to fondle her breast.

Seonghwa's face grew hot once more, and he looked anywhere but at the duo. What a way to treat a woman, even if she liked it, and arched into the captain's greedy touch.

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